EvilBoy666Apr 10 7:23 AM
They could give him 99 defending and physical as long as that agility is 61 he ain't it at least in elite div. And before some moron says "bRo WaNtS 99 aGiLiTy On A cEnTeRbAcK" it's EAFC not fifa 14 where a gold CB with 84 pace would match tots cards. You need everything to even attempt to succeed in this game and even then the gameplay will fuck you 7/10 times
avengerniakApr 10 7:58 AM
lil bro is in elite and is talking about succeeding in dead video game lmao. get a grip, touch sone grass have some fun
Jwcl580Apr 10 8:19 AM
he's not wrong tho, the gameplay this year makes his points valid no?
avengerniakApr 10 10:03 AM
i mean you can certainly reach elite withou waffling about his agility. you cannot say that you cant reach certain level solely because of one player bad stat. there is far more factors in this game that are more imprtant. what is disturbing for me is that ppl cannot have fun in this game. they are stressing about a "success" in a video game. thats why you are breaking controllers, watching every yt video to learn new broken mechanics - because there should be a "success" in this game. no! have some fun, dont stress losing, if you cant handle that play other fun game lmao.