Schw31nst31gerSep 13 8:34 PM
Within 2 months he went from one of the most respectable football players and one of the best captains I could ever wish for my football club to a disapointing hyprocrit. I will always have him up there as a great captain during his time at Liverpool but for him to go to Saudi and then giving that interview is just pure hypocrisy. Also, how is he still in the England squad at this point? As soon as you put money over amibtion you shouldnt be called up for any big national team anymore imo.
GotothegymSep 16 7:26 PM
Hit the nail on the head mate. And Southgate is just as bad
Schw31nst31gerSep 17 6:51 PM
Cheers mate, glad to see people agreeing with me on this