PredatorNO9Sep 12 3:52 AM
its kinda sad when u see players like fernando torres (my fav player of all time) rated only 87.. stevie g only 87.. lampard only 87 while some of this women icon like that sawa and that prinz rated over 90+ like how do they even measure this or rate this players based on what criteria.. matthaus rated only 90.. while some of this women are rated soo damn well.. not trying to be like "***ist" or anything but these guys at ea simply bending over for these women
kubbrickSep 13 4:48 PM
Its honestly not that deep. You probably had Cech at Striker on Fifa 23, yet complain when theres women in this game. She is prob the GOAT CM currently in Womens Football. Which means she is the "KDB" of womens football. Is she on par to KDB? OF COURSE NOT. But she is the best in womens football so they give her a rating that clears her from other WOMEN in this game. EAFC isnt saying she is better than the men who play Football. Just let it go and truly grow up. It is a virtual game.
patrsSep 13 5:46 PM
Such a moronic take. Shapeshifters is just a fun promo and it is technicallly possible to see a goalkeeper play as a striker in real life. Men and women in one team will never happen in any official match.
kubbrickSep 13 7:52 PM
So through everything I said, you refer back to me saying "Cech at Striker".Like you said men and women in one team will never happen, Cech at striker never happened. So idgaf about it being a promo. I can tell you truly never touched a woman in your life. its quite staggering. A bunch of under 15s here. Those complaining about women in Fifa truly are weird af to me. Cry me a river, dont buy the game
Schw31nst31gerSep 14 8:45 AM
You dont even get it. It's not about the fact THAT they implemented women in FUT it's about the way they did it (+ the unrealistic side of it) . Stupid ratings forced on to the female cards just so that they can keep up with the men.