siberySep 21 12:30 AM
seriously dont know why they releasing all these gold players if all of them except mbappe will be worthless after november. would be benefical if ea would let gold players be relevant all year long without milliones of promos every week, if they dont know how to do it, they can actual use their older games as a concept. :)
Szczerbatek20Sep 21 1:27 AM
Older games that would die in 2 months today? cuz 90% of community would die of boredom without promos. Or u just want to go back to playing same meta prem team from fifa 14 with benteke up top.
MoSalahBetterSep 21 1:45 AM
That is exactly what people who played this game for a long time want
Szczerbatek20Sep 26 4:54 AM
Whats the differene between same meta prem with benteke and same meta with mbappe? lmao
Schw31nst31gerNov 5 7:53 AM
You could easily play some real football back then. Players werent as aware of "meta" as they are today. Ofc you always had some OP things like people spamming crosses in Fifa 14 but it was far more enjoyable than this bs that some players call football nowadays