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Used him today for a full qualis run, currently 7-2. Just wanted to leave a little review for those who are worried about his defensive work rates. Basically liken this card to Cancelo's early cards - and just like Cancelo there are little to no defensive issues whatsoever. Did find I was a little smarter with manual positioning of him in certain situations (said in my very best Inception impression) but you often are with cards like this. He was smooth in the tackle, decent in the air and one defensive bonus i found particularly useful was his ability to get across players and win the ball whilst they're doing that horizontal run across your back line. He has the pace to track any player, get in front of them and be a nuisance there. Attacking wise he's as good as you'd imagine. T
I'd sell my sister for this card. And my Nan. Probably the cat too.
Can't remember the last time I played a game in Div 1 and Werner wasn't in it. He's everywhere.
Packed Raul last week and figured I'd use him in champs this weekend in a bit of a fun team, no big hitters, and honestly I'd say he's better than Drogba. Finishing is ridiculous, not even his finesse shots but just your regular bread and butter normal shooting. Not the fastest for sure, doesn't feel particularly quick even with Hunter, but he doesn't need to be. Really impressed tbh.
This guy is better than the stats suggest. Been fantastic for me recently.
Happy to have used the red Evo on him.. fantastic this weekend and a further upgrade just helps polish him. One of my fav cards this year, just works for me.
Was just looking in to Ribery then figured check out what I've got lingering at club for these evos.., turns out got this lad. Seems may as well evo him instead of the French lad, great as Ribery is in game.
Thrown him in for Zaha chem and conceded 1 goal in 4 games and currently 7-1 in champs. Feels really good, proper presence at the back.
Just got him in the 83x7. Buzzing. Still ran the Evo showdown in my Italy squad..
Nah legit find rivals worse than Champs. Champs is like going on a little weekend vacation in some exotic land compared to grinding for those 7 every week.
He feels so good in game, got that special icon secret sauce vibe going on. Great card.
Just got him in an 89+ exchange... was hesitant putting de bruyne in but wanted to get to some packs. Jesus Christ on a bicycle.
Just came here to look at what I didn't pack.
You're not alone. Having a few teething issues with him early doors.
No point trying to second guess it bro, just roll with it and see what happens. Who knows, with the stats untouched may qualify him for future evos he may have otherwised missed with a boost. I have far 'better' strikers at the club but I'm still going for it, can't not for the little legend. 5*WF can completely change a card and he's already great as it is. Am keeping faith this is going to work out extremely well.
Not sure what the lad's expecting from the toughest competition in the game tbh. Baffles me every time - of course it's going to be tough ffs. Literally designed to be that way.
This card is so good in game, Jesus Christ. Like seriously good, has it all... if not for the stupid supply and stuff I'd happily pay 1m for what it offers. There are very few better.
It's all I'd do, but I'd flex whilst doing it rather than throwing a spazz reaching for somewhere to put another Marta Torrejon dupe like my life depended on it.
I completed Marquez working through dupes from a pack stockpile and likewise just got him in an 81x11. Not even mad, what a card.
59 aggression hardly stopped peeps using Rolfo in every single squad..
Tbf did read an article that mentioned he was likely to be rested, people probably getting that confused with being injured. Inter due to make 6 changes for anyone interested, still looking very strong though.
Yep, this is me right now. Like I've hated on this card so much but it's time to put feelings aside and join the party.
Just got this card in PP's, assumed fodder but he actually looks really decent. Good play styles, great attacking stats backed up my solid defensive and physical too, big enough to not get bullied... will have to try in game because never know until then but on face of it card looks very good.
After getting shafted in red picks (two shitters for sure) just got this lad in an 89+ exchange, softens the blow somewhat
Had this madlad a while, keep thinking maybe now is the time to change it up, he's lacking playstyles, all that BS... still out performs every CM I have and try, has come up clutch so many times I've lost count. Just can't imagine him ever leaving the team.
This is such a beautiful day... Amazing card as is, this upgrade just pushes him in to elite category.
Yeah this is where he's ended up for me. Moved him around a lot this weekend getting to grips with the card (first time I've ever had a Gullit and I've been playing UT since 2013)... He's just unique at CAM, of course excels at CM but just something about him a little higher up causes absolute headaches for opponents. So happy to have home
Love you too bro, keep up the good work :) x
Using the 91 IF for these Saudi objectives... No joke, may have to buy this card off that alone. Even that is bossing, this must be some hot shit man.
I use marksman, he manages to make me look good... and I'm absolutely shocking. Takes a special kinda card to pull that shit off.
Absolutely still useable. Legit used him in champs three weeks running. He barely puts a foot wrong, even now. Sweeps up all sorts. Honest to God I put much better looking cbs in, things fall to pieces and go back to this guy. Stupid good.
You get 'em lad, let them have it...
Thought I'd check out the review as thinking about getting Baggio for nostalgia reasons and being completely honest thought it was really top work. Fully expected it to be some shit, short review the likes you see everywhere but nah you broke the card down nicely, were comprehensive and gave great insights. Actually impressed. Good work and I'll keep an eye out for more.
It has nothing to do with real life football bro, it's the EPremiercup or whatever it's called
Just came here to comment similar. See everyone knocking him but he's really impressed against me, made some mental saves. Been tempted but as you say probably be trash for me haha
For sure man. I remember 15 and 16 so fondly, had such a blast back in those days. Wasn't much of an avid play 12-14, just dabbled as a casual really, but 15 became the only game I really played.. and still do. Miss those days, when packing a man icon actually meant the world. Now it's just kids.. meh. We get miffed if we don't get one a week! Early champs was alright tbf, 40 games too much, but I could run silver squads in it and have fun to a point. Just can't do that sort of thing nowadays. Hard to see how we can get those days back.
It's bad tonight, ngl
You're not alone bro... honestly, it feels like matchmaking in them is tied in to rivals somehow. Everyone is good, like literally everybody. 25m squads, player locking at will and playing to the meta just as most elite players tend to. Fekir is everywhere (I also use him tbf) which isn't the be all but to not come across a single evidently lesser opponent when you yourself are probs in the top few % results and skills wise is just nuts. Statistically impossible you'd think. But here we are.
Say that to the Tadic I'm currently Evo'ing to ball out with this weekend.. Somehow ended up with some mad looking Super Lig core to a team, pairing them up with the Dutch lads to change things up a bit. Ps. Also used him in rivals last night (middle checkpoint Div 1).. he holds his own.
What the actual....
I keep getting rekt by this card.
Don't know what's happened but recently he's gone from just put in goal and forget about because he's good as anyone to about as useful as a sparrows fart in the wind. Has started parrying everything, making weak saves, not holding the ball... all sorts of stuff he wasn't doing a few weeks ago. Used for over 600 games but starting to think a change is in order. Lost the faith.
Yeah this is my dilemma. On face stats you go Sanches but it's those key differences in playstyles which make this more difficult. That pinged pass on Ramires creates so many chances/goals for me every weekend, just know even if another card has 99 in every passing stat most those are getting intercepted. With Ramires they get through. It's a huge factor, along with press proven negating the dribbling differences. He's better defensively too. Suppose what you need I guess but honestly it's not as clear cut as peeps make out.
Got him in a player pick myself, shortly after getting Klose too. Unreal.
Every time I sub this mofo on he has an impact, really tempted to evo him and put him in RW for Zaha. He as good as I think he is? Feels special on the ball, though it's hard to tell when using as sub because often fullbacks are tired etc.
Swear my 89 evo from like December is better.
Need this card to complete my team, been waiting on that nailed on Zaha link and it's here. You will be missed Raul but it's time.
Strange with this one... tried him, played a good 10-15 games and honest opinion - he ain't bad but he isn't exactly a world beater either. Just a run of the mill fullback, decent at most stuff but doesn't have any real standout features. Felt a little on the heavy side, defensively sound for the most part but not exceptional. Yeah, I think the performance matches the price really. Will do a job but he's hardly going to win games like say the Cuadrado card will. Cuadrado even feels better defensively on reflection, light and day between those two cards.
Could've just been the shite gameplay but completed her after getting Morgan from an 84x7. Morgan is absolute fire but dropped Rodman after 6 games. Don't know what if is but just couldn't get any output from her, dropped too deep, got bodied a fair bit.. will give her another go but honestly put Saint-Max back in and he was head and shoulders above this card.
Got AWB as needed a RB for the England squad. Ngl, he doesn't feel great. Won't be using him in the main, Vazquez, Zambrotta and Florenzi are all better. Shame because he is rather expensive but it is what it is, we move on. Would just urge on the side of caution if you're looking to do this and not a United fan.
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