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FC 24 88 Thunderstruck Frenkie de Jong Player Review

By Dean
24-Nov-23 17:06

It’s Friday and that can only mean one thing… Watch out, you’ve been…. Thunderstruck. Yeah I think we’ve all had that song going around on loop, so had to get that pun out of the way early on.

The Thunderstruck promo has commenced earlier than usual today. Which you’ll find no complaints whatsoever from me! But Black Friday is well and truly underway with more content than I know what to do with. So many incredible cards have just been released, Thunderstruck Players, Thunderstruck Icons and Thunderstruck SBCs… They’ve all been thunderstruck… I promise that’s the last time. But we’re here of course to look into SBCs. We have a very juicy looking Frenkie De Jong item.

You can check out the card here!

If you didn’t know already, these items (Icons Included) are live items that will gain an increase based off of their respective clubs performance. These work as follows:

  • All Thunderstruck Players will be eligible for Upgrades from November 24th 2023
  • Win 1 Game in FC Barcelona’s next 4 Domestic League Matches (+1 IF Upgrade)
  • Win 2 Games in FC Barcelona’s next 4 Domestic League Matches (+2 Regular Playstyles)
  • Win 3 Games in FC Barcelona’s next 4 Domestic League Matches (+1 IF Upgrade)

So has a really good chance here to get himself up to a 90-rated Item with some new playstyles, which will be very interesting considering he has 3 of the 5 passing playstyles so I am eager to see what gets added to him.

Frenkie joined the midfield amongst players of previous promotions in the form of Rice and Odegaard. Between the three of them built an absolute wall of a midfield that no one was getting through. 

The choice in Chemstyle for me was a tough decision between the Anchor and Shadow Chemstyle, for this I opted with the Anchor as for the most part I played De Jong in a Box-to-box midfield role, but if you are to play him more in the CDM role (Of which I would say is probably the better option) then go with the Shadow to get those physical boosts.

Here are the following segments to unlock the Thunderstruck De Jong SBC:

#1 - Netherlands
# of players from Netherlands: Min 1
Squad Rating - 85
Pack Return - Prime Mixed Players Pack

#2 - FC Barcelona
# of players from FC Barcelona: Min 1
Squad Rating - 86
Pack Return - Small Rare Mixed Players Pack

#3 - La Liga
# of players from La Liga EA Sports: Min 1

Inform Players: Min 1

Squad Rating - 87

Pack Return - Rare Mixed Players Pack

Currently, this SBC is sitting at roughly 300k to complete. It’s worth noting this price is going the change massively throughout the day/ weekend with constant packs being opened. My biggest issue here is that likely if he was in packs he would be less, as we can evidently see by how many of these items are already so much cheaper than expected. Of course the potential upgrades on this card is something to consider.

How did he perform in-game?

+ Passing was by far the standout stat for me, being able to utilize the incisive pass playstyle just after recovering the ball spelled danger for the opposition.

+ As just mentioned, his interceptions were outstanding. He was constantly in the right place, the right time to put a stop to an attack and send us back onto the counter.

+ Dribbling was also something really positive about this card, he held the ball really well in tough situations and made it around defenders with ease.

+ Positioning of course was really good, he pressed up the midfield when needed but always seemed to have already tracked back quickly as soon as a counter-attack started

/ Pace was a little misleading for me, at 84 pace I didn’t expect him to be rapid but at times he could feel kind of slow.

- Shooting for me wasn’t all that great, with 70 shooting I didn’t expect the world but having the trivela playstyle gave me false hope that he would be a goal scoring machine, but often he just couldn’t get the power on it and rarely shot on target.

Frenkie De Jong - Cop or Flop?

This one is almost a political answer from me but I would say, hold off for the time being. This is literally only the start of what looks like is going to be a horde of items released through this promo. So dumping 300k this early on would not be the wisest of moves until you are sure that this card is the best thing for you from this promo. 

By no means is this me saying he is a flop, he performed really well in-game and in general was a fun card to play with. But we need to be smart here, It’s the start of a promo and a lot of content is coming and you don’t want to be caught pulling the trigger early and regretting it later on. But if nothing better comes along, absolutely cop this item.

Verdict = COP (But wait for now)

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