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FIFA 23 Edin Džeko Rulebreakers Player Review

The opinions on FIFA 23 are some of the most polarizing I have encountered at the early stages of just about any game. There are those singing the highest of praises and those going as far to say that this is the worst FIFA ever.

While I always like to take things with a bit of moderation, I will say that this FIFA has quietly won me over… and dare I say it, I am having fun and looking forward to playing.

One of the areas that I think EA finally got right, or at least massively improved, is player usability and versatility. In the past there was essentially one player archetype to rule them all… and if your squad didn’t fit that mold, it was game over.

Edin Džeko is one of the many players that has benefitted exponentially from this shift and I was hoping the community vote over on Twitter would lead us in this direction.  Thankfully, you all pulled through.  

The big Bosnian with the LENGTHY AcceleRATE was the perfect fit as the striker in my 4-2-2-2 formation, with the application of the HUNTER chemistry style adding the influx of pace required to terrorize oppoenents backlines.

There was a lot to like on the surface with this card, which certainly led to some early hype amongst the community… The hope being that the hype would lead to ingame action and success once this Weekend League kicked off.


Starting Formation


In-Game Formation




Rating: 9/10

Pace Rating: 9/10

Dribbling Rating: 8.5/10

Shooting Rating: 10/10

Passing Rating: 8/10

Physical Rating: 9/10

Defending Rating: N/A


This card all but pushed its way into the 9.5/10 rating overall, save for a few minor deficiencies, it is one of the best cards, if not the best, I have used to date.

The 18 goals and 9 assists in 15 matches aside, there are just so many ways to involve Džeko on and off the ball in your squad.

The power of Džeko mixed with the finesse of Fekir was a match made in heaven… But the half time sub bringing in Haaland alongside the Bosnian created a duo that was not to be messed with.



Main Statistics – Shooting

Shooting Rating: 10/10

Weak Foot: ★★★★★

Traits: Finesse Shot


With every weapon at his disposal, save the Outside Foot Shot trait, Džeko is a huge threat in attack and the 18 goals in 15 matches only scratches the surface.

The 5 STAR WEAK FOOT is up there with some of the best cards I have ever used with zero difference between the two sides.

The 98 POSITIONING is outstanding and Džeko is constantly taking up intelligent spaces to then utilize his surgical precision in front of goal. Once there, the 99 FINISHING, 94 SHOT POWER & 98 VOLLEYS offer endless ways to find the back of the net.

It is worth noting that his goal tally could have been higher still, but many opponents simply had enough of the big man’s exploits, which both hindered the review and saved me a ton of time this weekend across 20 matches.





Value/Coins Rating: 5/5


145k! This is an outrageous bargain in my eyes. You start looking into the statistics Džeko has and a simple FUTBIN search reveals the levels this card is operating at.

With the likes of Rudi Voller and Wayne Rooney for company it is clear that this card has some serious quality for coins. It is worth noting that the only other 5 STAR WEAK FOOT in that list belongs to David Ginola.

Now I am not oblivious to the fact that the passing with Džeko is well below that list of beasts in the game… but it is undeniable that the remainder of his statistics are eerily similar, especially with Voller.



Good vs. Bad 

Good vs Bad Rating: 5/5


Call it surprising, call it impressive, or simply caulk it up to positioning … but the 9 assists was what really impressed me during this 15 match test run.

+ 70 VISION, 75 SHORT PASSING & 72 LONG PASSING had the alarm bells ringing before this review even kicked off, yet Džeko is the first card I have felt was able to outperform his passing statistics… which I suppose isn’t hard given the low starting point

+ The 92 STRENGTH on a 193cm | 6’4 card was a key contributor to the assist totals and really everything Džeko does well. The fantastic hold up play can start attacks at midfield or turn provider at the top of the box laying off chances for teammates to benefit from.

+ I have been disappointed in the aerial prowess of many taller cards in this FIFA… but the 70 JUMPING & 91 HEADING ACCURACY certainly did not disappoint here.

+ The 99 SPRINT SPEED with this card is rapid… and if you can get Džeko in his stride and in behind your opponents… no one is catching him.

Even though Džeko largely outperforms his price tag… there is always room for improvement.

- The 78 AGILITY & 80 BALANCE is not helped at all by the 80 DRIBBLING… in tight spaces I did find myself limited in my options to wriggle out. The 3 STAR SKILLS will also be a gamechanger for many.

- The 94 ACCELERATION didn’t pop Džeko out of dribbles and certainly didn’t get him from 0 - 100 in record time. You definitely need to get this card moving before playing him onto the ball, or prepare to shield, turn, and pass.

- I mentioned Džeko outperforming his passing ability, but you could always use more help. Additionally, the lack of quality also removes any freekick contributions as well.



Closing Words

The inclusion of an IF Barella this week has only increased my interest in bringing Džeko back into my “everyday squad” that I run when not looking into reviews.

I have always been a fan of clinical cards who reward the hard earned chances that you put together. Even more so in FIFA 23 it feels like chances are few and far between, with even more importance placed upon the shoulders of the goal poachers in your squad.

The links were not the best with this one, but we squeezed him in, and in the end it was worth every squad building minute. Without a doubt one of the more entertaining and impactful reviews I have done of late. A must try!

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