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By Dan
13-Jun-23 16:00

Shapeshifter cards are already here in the way of Silva and Kroos but the real fun starts this Friday (16th June). 

This will be the fourth year of shapeshifters after they made their debut in FIFA 20 with Messi and Ronaldo both featuring. 

The promo has been a yearly event so here’s the rundown and everything you need to know about FIFA 23 Shapeshifters. 


What Is Shapeshifters?

Shapeshifters is a promo that gives us the oppourtunity to use some of our favourite cards in totally different positions. Instead of being limited to a players base and alternate position we can now use shapeshifter players on totally different sides of the pitch. FIFA 20 and 21 featured just standard gold cards as featured items but we saw heroes added to the promo in FIFA 22 and this year we look set to be getting icons! We were given 4 teams of shapeshifters in FIFA 22 and are expecting the same, if not more, again this year. We also look to be getting premium chemistry cards just as we saw in the FIFA 23 Futties promo.


Shapeshifters Card Design

The shapeshifters card design is one that has the FIFA community split down the middle, some are saying its’ the best we’ve ever seen, whilst others think it’s the worst! What do you think of the card design? 


What Is Premium Chemistry?

New loading screens usually just tease players and stats of upcoming cards but this time we’ve been given a look at the new way chemistry will work on certain shapeshifters. We did see premium chemistry used in FIFA 22 with the Futties promo but with chemistry working slightly different this year here’s what to expect. From the loading screen we can see that the standard shapeshifter will give off the same chemistry as every other card, but those with a crown give off premium chemistry. Premium chemistry cards will give one point to club and nation as per usual but will give off two league points. You won’t have to worry about getting these premium cards on to full chemistry as they automatically recieve 3 chemistry points.

It looks like cards with the premium symbol will act in the same way heroes do in regards to chemistry but also offer an extra club point. They give off an extra league point and play on full chemistry no matter the 10 surrounding cards.

Shapeshifters Rumors and Predictions

We haven’t heard any rumours of players BUT we will be seeing the debut of ‘Shapeshifter/Alternate Reality Icons’. This was a promo we were expecting around the time of TOTY but after that passed we just assumed it wasn’t to be, however it looks to finally be coming to FIFA 23 as now confirmed via the new loading screen. Here are a few cards we’d really like to see come this Friday in the shapeshifters promo. 


Cristiano Ronaldo - ST to RB 

This is what shapeshifters is all about, not moving Kroos from CM to CDM. We want to see strikers in defence and defenders in attack. Ronaldo may have been given a TOTS Moments card just a few weeks ago but who really wants to use Ronaldo up top when he can be used as a wing back. 


John Stones - CB to CDM

John Stones has transitioned from one of the best defenders in the world to one of the best defensive midfielders in the world and with shapeshifters coming up this is the perfect opportunity to give him a card in his new position. 


Kyle Walker - RB to GK

Ever since Walker’s heroic stint in goal away at Atalanta, FIFA players have wished for him to receive a goalkeeper card. With Manchester City completing an iconic treble over the weekend we think there would be no better way to celebrate than giving us Kyle Walker in goal. 


Alisson -  GK to ST

Alisson played a very brief stint as a target man for Liverpool, and by very brief we mean one corner kick! It paid off as he scored from the corner vs West Brom securing Liverpool’s place in the Champions League the following season. Do we think he’d be usable up top? Who knows, but it’d be fun to find out.


Youcef Atal - RB to LW

We don’t really need to explain this one, Atal is yet to receive a huge card in FIFA 23 and does tend to get one each year, in fact he’s featured in the shapeshifters promo twice in three years. EA could move him to any position and he’d still be usable. 


Romelu Lukaku - ST to CB

Lukaku’s defending was vital to Manchester City’s Champions League final win as he prevented Inter Milan from scoring two chances just 2 yards from goal. We think those defensive plays are well deserving of a CB card and we also need someone who is able to stop the TOTSM Lukaku that keeps scoring on us. 


Jorge Campos - GK to ST

Shapeshifter Heroes were hugely popular last year and if there’s one man that deserves it in FIFA 23 then it’s Jorge Campos. He played with UNAM for most of his club career where he was often used as an impact 'substitute striker’. He wouldn’t come off the bench but would swap his bright goalkeeper shirt for an outfield one. Campos already has usable outfield stats on his base card so we’d love to see him get a shapeshifter!


Niklas Sommer - RB to ST

We all get bored of seeing the same cards in every promo so why wouldn’t we want a super juiced bronze card. But not just any bronze card, Niklas Sommer is the most liked bronze on Futbin. He may be playing in the German third tier but with plenty of German TOTS cards he wouldn’t be too hard to link. 


Alternate Reality Icons

Thierry Henry - ST to CM 

Henry is an icon we haven’t seen used too much this year and he hasn’t been featured in any of the Icon promo teams. It’s time to change that with shapeshifters. We wouldn’t mind which position the Arsenal legend is given as long as he’s here!


Emilio Butragueno - ST to LW 

Spain is pain when it comes to packing an Icon but hopefully that changes this week. We’ve enjoyed using Butra this year but as we get into silly season in FUT with 95+ cards everywhere he’s starting to become slightly outdated. The former Real Madrid man would be a really nice addition to shapeshifters and if he’s still an attacker, he could be one of the best in the game. 


Gianluca Zambrotta - RB to CM 

We packed Zambrotta in the max 86 Icon pack early on and he stayed in the team right up until TOTY. As with most Icon cards, at this time in the year they’re a bit behind the powercurve but with the freedom of shapeshifters we’d love to see Gianluca be given a heavily boosted card.



As mentioned these are just predictions and cards we’d like to see as nothing has been confirmed yet. Who would you like to see come in the shapeshifters promo?

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