PuskasLeftFoot1Oct 5 3:18 AM
quit wafflin'. yes this is who you should evo for relentless winger. hes f**kin' cracked in game. just look at his stats after full evolution. he's 90+ pace w/ 89 dribbling (gotdam 94 97 agility and balance) and 80+ shooting w/ a unique Btype and fookin 5* 4* with 7 of the most op and just generally fun playstyles to use ig and he can play on BOTH sides for fooks sake! if you're worried ab links, just search who else is saudi league now, and portugal is a top 5-6 nationality. all this shizz and you can literally have him in ur starter team. f*** ansu. jota miles clear. evo and enjoy mates :
Caedus99Oct 9 3:26 AM
couldn't have said it better myself.