Player Review
88 - IF
Fut players always notice it when the notorious vidal gets an IF card. Sure his normal card is a great card but he always has one problem that keeps him from being a perfect midfielder and that is his passing.
Still, his passing is not on the level as nainggolan, It is better, and it's also the reason why I prefer vidal over nainggolan, Even nainggolans first upgrade doesn't fix his mediocre vision stat, and since vidal's vision and passing stats werent that bad in the first place, an inform card puts him in spot where you can trust him with anything, especially when you put a chemistry style on him that boosts his passing, like I do with all my midfielders.
I make the comparison with nainggolan because the similarities are obvious, they are both fast midfielders with a lot of defensive capabilities, a lot of stamina, a good shot and high/high workrates. Nianggolan is still considerably faster though, and he has better dribbling as well, making him able to even dribble some defenders. He also has 90 attack positioning which makes him very good on the attack. It's also the reason why a lot of people will prefer nainggolan over vidal, of course his belgian nationality and league will have something to do with it as well.
But if you're on the quest for this type of midfielder vidal is a much better choice, not only for his passing, but also for his size and heading. Vidal is not only bigger, he also has more jumping and more heading accuracy. His shooting is better too, since he has 4 star weak foot (naingoglan has 3). Don't forget vidal has more agression and a better standing tackle as well, which means he's just better at stealing the ball.
Naingolan will still get there faster though.
But he speed isn't much of an issue, I mean if it's really a problem just boost it with a chemistry style. Vidal's attack position is 82 so it's good enough. These are only minor disadvantages compared to naingolan, Vidal's passing, shooting, heading and ball stealing capalities make him a much more consistent player. In the beginning you won't notice he's there because he doesn't make any mistakes. He steals the ball when he should,scores when he should and makes a decent pass when he should.
It's only after a while that you will realize that the position vidal is on that it is his turf. He's simply boss, you'll see players trying to outpass him but vidal will intercept, he will win headers, he will make nasty trough balls, retain the ball, or just steal it back when he loses it because of his high agression. He's also great at long shots and even his finishing is quite good for a center midfielder.
Did I mention he will score headers?
- Agression and tackling
- Shooting
- Passing
- Heading
- None