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Player Review

94 - eMOTM
Best De Gea card in game
By unitedkush, 29-07-2018

Alright you might be thinking going by the title how come a 94 rated card is better than two 97 rated TOTS/Y cards? Well because FIFA 18. I've tried more GKs than almost any other position this year (including every De Gea's card) and this is by far the best one I've used.

Like many users 90 De Gea was a constant fixture in my team for a long while until TOTY came, his card was expensive but I reluctantly paid 1 mil. It took me a little while to get used to but eventually he was winning games for me. All was fine until late May where it all went to pot, it was probably a title update and he just wasn't performing like himself. I tried his loan 97 TOTS which was in my club due to a weekly objective and he was even worse. I cut my losses and went back to 90 De Gea, noticing barely any difference between the two. That was until I was able to get my hands on this card, due to the market crash I picked him up for 250k and oh boy was it a bargain. I don't think I'll be changing my GK until the end of this game.

He is what you expect of De Gea, to produce consistent jaw-dropping moments of quality. Iker Casillas produced a couple of Schmeichel esque saves twice v Sevilla and De Gea has produced exact replica of those saves for me multiple times in the past week. I also found his handling to be a step up compared to his higher rated cards, he doesn't parry many shots. Pressing triangle also solves the issue of him not coming out on corners to punch/catch the ball.

All in all don't get swayed by higher ratings, just try this particular card and save yourself some coins.

  • Handling - By far the best thing about this card, ball just attaches to his gloves like a magnet
  • Reflexes - Crazy fast as you expect from De Gea
  • Longshots - Extremely consistent
  • Low Drivens - Saves more than most other keepers
  • None
Formation: 41212-2
Position: GK
Games: 25
GPG: 0.00
APG: 0.00
Pace (5/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (5/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (5/10)
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