Player Review
82 - Normal
Lucas is 82 rated this year, just like the past 4 or 5 years, which I feel is slightly lazy from EA. His lack of game time at PSG and his lack of in-forms means he is largely overlooked, I never really see him in online play. I thought I would give him a try this year because his card for 1.5k seems like a steal. For his price he is utterly incredible. In my team, he plays as a RF in an all-Brazilian 4-3-2-1. My record with him says something about his quality: 284 games, 187 goals & 145 assists, meaning 332 goal contributions in those 284 games. I mostly play Squad Battles on Legendary difficulty and FUT Champs whenever I have the time. I think he will easily hit the 1000 game/1000 goal contribution for me in the near future, which is astounding. His blistering pace with boosts in dribbling and shooting provided by a sniper chemistry style make him one of the best wingers/forwards I have ever used. Rarely ever am I let down by him, and I would encourage you to give him a try.
- Pace: 95 acceleration, 92 sprint speed...enough said
- Dribbling: turns to a 94 with sniper, including 99 agility & 97 balance with 99 dribbling=unreal, Neymar-like change of direction
- Shooting: with a sniper finishing is 87, but feels much higher
- Passing: could be boosted with a Chem Style like deadeye, but in my opinion not needed
- 4* skills: stop and turns and exits from them are amazing
- Strength: obviously, 56 strength is awful, but with 97 balance it doesn't feel as bad
- 3* weak foot: could be a cause of concern when cutting onto the left foot from the right hand side, but it rarely lets me down
- Work rates: no high attacking work rate, but this is a blessing in disguise as he racks up a lot of assists from his deeper position
- Stamina: only 68, arguably his weakest stat, M/M work rates make it bearable however