Player Review
91 - Normal
The highest rated defender (gold) defender on the game. Of course he is going to be the best. (Aside from Varane who I'm yet to use). I packed this guy untradeable on the first day of FIFA and have been using him in every game ever since and he is a damn game changer. Incredible defensively, can sometimes be caught out of position due to High/Medium workrates but that doesn't happen very often. He is strong, fast and tall which makes for a great defender. Headers are beyond ridiculous in this game, however I find Ramos to barely put a foot wrong in the air. For corners if you can get a ball in to him then 9 times out of 10 it'll be in the back of the net.
Pace - He is a fast defender, especially with anchor. He easily catches up to those quick attackers.
Defending - He barely puts a foot wrong, in my 216 games he has seen 12 yellow cards and 0 red cards. His tackles are usually times to perfection.
Physicality - He is strong, tall and can jump. What more do you need?
Corners/headers - When defending those crosses he usually comes out on top. There are some occasions when the game decides to move your player out of the way making that 5 foot 9 POTM Lucas everyone has score the header over Ramos but that's just FIFA being FIFA. Aside from that he is a monster in the air.
Positioning - His defensive positioning is top class. High/Medium is barely noticable, only a handful of goals in those 200+ games were conceded due to poor positioning.
Positioning for corners - I don't know if it's just me but I have him paired with Bailly/sometimes Stones, and Ramos is in the dumbest position for corners. Bailly/Stones is dead centre of the box whereas Ramos is usually chilling so far back post that it's nearly impossible to get the ball to him. However, if you manage to get the ball over to Ramos, and the game actually selects him to take the header over 5 foot 7 Fred who for God knows what reason is in the box for the corner, you will score, 9 times out of 10.
Value for money - I got him untradeable so my word here isn't worth much, but for 250k+ I'm not sure a single defender is really worth that much, but he is a god send of a card to have.