Player Review
86 - SIF
I’ve found myself hating much of this fifa due to incompetent keepers. To date only Neuer and Ter Stegen were consistently living up to their stats and especially for Ligue 1 I have struggled to find a stable GK.
The real game-changer for Lecomte is the rare “Saves with feet” trait which is what makes Ter Stegen so great, gameplay is as sweaty as ever this year and those joyous pass across goals you concede will noticeably go down with some insane reflex foot saves with Keepers with this trait.
I personally used glove chem style over basic on this occasion.
I hated the fact that I consistently had to build teams around just Neuer and Ter Stegen getting bored of using the same CB partnerships to make the chem work, Lecomte now opens the options to Incorporate some new beasts that have joined FUT like the new FUTMAS Renato Sanches.
Finally at the time of writing this review I picked mine up for 22K so even if he’s not your cup of tea he will always be amazing value for SBC fodder.
Saves with feet trait
1 on 1’s
Likes to deflect long shots that could be caught for corners (not open goals at least)
6ft 1 means not as dominant for corners catching