Player Review
88 - TOTS
When I packed Bentancur I was not over the moon. Of all the community TOTS I could of got it had to be a fairly basic, nothing to shout about player. I decided against selling him as first owner teams are important this year and he wan't worth the sell. I had already been using storyline Thausby (a considerably better card), however I have been playing Fifa for fun and not to win. So I shoved Bentancur in for a total of 20 weekend league games and 10 rivals matches. Now for the part you here for... was he good?
Almost unbelievably he was. I used him in a 4 2 3 1 at CDM with Bakayoko playing alongside. His role in the team was very effective. He was a competent ball winner and carried the ball well, even with his low agility. His sliding tackle was extremely useful - probably due to his height and body type. Somehow he was able to chip in with some wonderful goals! All superb finishes from tight angles or outside the box. I'm not sure how he could pull this off due to his low shooting stats and curve. His 99 stamina allowed him to run all game, and he had more than enough pace with an engine chem style.
Due to his low price I would recommend this card. If you are thinking about purchasing him you're probably short of coins, meaning he's one of few options. (Make sure to use an engine on him)
If you are curious about my skill level, I went 17 and 8 last weekend league and I'm currently 16 and 5.
99 stamina
4* skills 4* weak foot
6 foot 2
Good long and short passing
Medium/medium workrates
Terrible shooting stats
Los curve