99 - TOTY
So I was lucky enough to pack an untradeable TOTY Alisson and a tradeable TOTY Messi Last Thursday.
As I wanted to try Politano and Malcuit on the right side first, I needed to change the team a bit. I didn't want to cut IF Varane so playing Mendy on 7 chem was necessary.
Playing an ingame 4-2-3-1 with Messi on CAM, this card is simply INSANE!
30 games of Weekend League Mode with astonishing 54 goals and 24 assists, this card is undefendable.
Pace Rating: 10/10
Acceleration is on point, his speed is enormous,too.
Shooting Rating: 11/10
This card scores form every position unless the keeper isn't moved and even if he'S moving he still scores 8 out of 10
Passing Rating: 10/10
Playing Messi on CAM, he always made key through-passes on the wingers or Neymar which I play as CF, his passing game is unreal
Defending Rating: N/A
He didn't need to defend anyway, what he did was winning the duels with strong CBs but more on that on the physical area!
Physical Rating:10/10
TOTY Messi wins duels with defenders, which comes from his high balance and strength abilities. He will easily push CBs like Scream Piqué or VVD aside and conquers the ball
It's really just un unfair card!!
Overall Rating: 11/10
There is no con, if you are lucky like me and packed him, this is the best card you can play.
If you have the coins for him, buy him!
Eusebio 93 at half price, messi is really exceptional, I hesitated to buy but I do not think I was mistaken about its purchase, which is CAM or ST place it is really impressive right or left foot facing the cages (sorry for my english i'm french) If you want test him do no hesitate
Pace, agility ,Balance, Vision
Defending of course.