Player Review
88 - Icon
So after packing him in my base icon pack I thought I should give him a go considering he was worth 1.2M at the time. He was in my team for around 40 games giving me enough time to fully understand how he plays and what the good and bad things are that he possesses. Firstly, I am a simple man. I like simple things. but having to change his position in game through my custom tactics was something I was not prepared to do. So with that I played him at his intended position of CB and well, hmmm, I don't know. On the ball he felt great and could make lovely advancing passes as well as fairly decent dribbling. His defending was fine, i felt I could trust him in 1v1 situations and also found his positioning and interceptions good. But. The guy is a midget. Not ideal for a CB and definately not ideal when he decides to position himself in the OP near post position for corners (which he never wins) usurping my taller players with better heading / jumping stats. He also did not feel strong enough to be a CB and could be found crying on the floor like a child numerous times in a game. This is why I don't rate him too highly and didn't feel he would have been worth the 1.2M coins.
Stick to Harry Maguire...(no seriously)
He was free
Free Kicks
Height again