Player Review
82 - IF
after getting him from Gold 2 rewards, i felt a bit relieved that i hadn't grinded for Elite 2 since the rewards were going to be trash either way but after using him for rivals , i have to say im not disappointed
You love to see it, plus his small frame makes him seem faster on the ball
If you're one of those who crosses with your Full-backs, then this could be a problem, but if you have used F.Mendy and can cross, you can do it with him
Not really needed in a full-back but little low for my liking, nevertheless he doesnt feel "clunky"
This is low. Oh yes. Its very low. But the good thing is his PHYSICALITY has been boosted so a shadow works perfectly in this situation
The Ben Yedder of Defenders, the controller-breakers of Left Backs, tghe nightmare for RWs like those annoying Salahs and Adamas and Lucases, he screams power. Although the strength isnt too high stat wise, with that aggression he bodies everyone off the ball, and hurts those "Injury Prone" RWs (yes Robben look away in shame). His stamina is top tier
best option for PL LB
Few nation links
Low defending