Here goes nothing!
Mixed opinions about this card, he is class some games and terrible others. I have used him in a number of different positions with a number of different chem styles and he just isn't cutting it for me. This is just my opinion but I would preferably look at other options for a cheaper price.
I was fortunate to pack pull Kenny untreadable from a base/mid icon pack and let me tell you I was super happy getting him as Kenny is known as a beast on Fifa but just haven't seemed to get the most out of him for the kind of stats he has on his card. now I know this seams a bit weird to say but I would honestly just play gold martial over Kenny. I have had more success in the ST position with martial than I have with Kenny.
I am no at Div 1 meta player or even for that matter an elite division player but I still have somewhat skill at the game to be able to use players to their somewhat potential in game. hope this helped you with your decision on whether Kenny is someone you should be looking to get into your team.
Conclusion: For a player that is worth 950k their are just better options in my opinion even for a cheaper price. no need to splash out on Kenny when there are players that can do the same job if not a better job for a smaller price.
1) Attack positioning is really solid in game, gets into the positions really well which is something to have on your strikers
2) Feels faster in game that what his base card pace stats show
1) Physical presence isn't there even with them style boost
2) Finishing of 92 is a LIE! I have played 11 games so far and only 8 goals have been scored by Kenny with half of them being EA tap ins