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Player Review

92 - Icon Moments
Mister targetman
By thrithion, 29-04-2022

In Champs I normally get rank V/IV. I still needed a complete target man, and RVP is an excellent choice for that task. In combination with the hawk chem style, he is an excellent finisher within the box, who in the fifty games I played with him also managed to score headers very regularly, (love the power header trait on this card). I don't really play on pace or through balls, so RVP his pace was not really concerning for me. His pace is good not great, like you would expect. Same for physicals, he doesn't normally win duels from players like flashback Varane or anything. But it's good enough.

Shooting wise he is insane, and I don't really know why but I scored more with his right foot than with his left. With the hawk it feels like he has 5* weak foot though, And here and there he even scored a longshot. His passing is excellent for a striker, nothing bad to say about that. But his dribbling really isn't and that is frustrating, even for a target man. With bad gameplay he turns like a cargo ship, and doesn't feel responsive at all. My tactic was to use RVP purely as a target man in a two striker formation, with the result that there were regularly matches, in which van Persie was literally invisible for ninety minutes, but scored several times.

RVP on FIFA reminds me of Inzaghi in real life at Milan. Just standing in the right place at the right time and shooting the ball into the net and be completely invisible the rest of the match, and with his shooting stats that role fits him pretty well.

  • Shooting
  • Heading
  • Positioning
  • Passing is outstanding for a striker
  • Outside the foot shot trait
  • Pace isn't great
  • Physicality
  • Surely not the most responsive player
  • Stamina isn't great
Formation: 41212-2
Position: ST
Games: 60
GPG: 0.97
APG: 0.37
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (8/10)
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