I was lucky enough to pack this card from the 83X3 Ligue 1 "scam" pack. After a WL and some Rivals games with him I have enough knowledge of this card to write a review.
Body type:
Despite being 3 inches shorter in game his body type is very similar to Mbappe. Very physical while still being decently agile. However not as agile as your lean <176cm attackers ofc. Because of this I feel him being a bit clunky at times. However his physicality makes up for that. He can be very strong. Being able to out power defenders like kane and lewa- while not being as clunky as them is a big plus.
This card for me has had its good and bad.
The bad:
In terms of being a ST- I play him alongside of mid R9 in a 4-3-1-2. With 26 goals in 30 games he is simply alright. Dont get me wrong its a pretty good goal to game ratio but I want more from a 1m coin ST. I mean he makes runs, he shoots, he scores- but in a less than one time per game average (0.85). If you are looking for a game changing ST this card is probably not the card for you. When I see a game changing, 5/5 star, ST I see a card that averages 1.5+ goals per game. Someone that I can count on to be able to take the lead in sweaty champs games. This card is just not that card. There are games where he is just not there. Not really doing anything. Misses shots that he should not be missing. I would pay 400k for this card. Not 1m.
The good:
After reading that you may have lost total hope in this card. Despite the bad in this card- he can be really good at times. He has his games where he does not do much, yes, but he also has games where he is very clutch. Scoring 2-3 goals in a very close game. He has scored a couple late game winners. He has scored some great goals that other cards would not have been able to score. That being said- most 300k+ coin STs that I have used in this game have had those same games.
Overall this card is decent. Do not get me wrong in this review- he is not bad. However I just don't think he is the game changing card a 1m coin card should be. If packed I would suggest to try him out and put him into a team but I would not go out and spend 1m coins on him- especially with todays market where you can get insane cards for 1m coins and cheaper. If you need a French ST from Ligue 1 Yedder is a better option for the price.
Hope this review helped :)