Absolutely ridiculous
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So... I got this guy untradeable TWICE !!!! First in my OTW pack and then in the rigged 75+ upgrade pack... And oh lord when he came in to the team.. He have now played barely 100 games at LST with the Hawk in the 41212 (2) right next to CR7 - whom I also got untradeable from a SBC the first day - with Messi as a CAM. And they have the most insane partnership all of them. He is involved in 1,47 goals pr. game which is just insane, and all of them have come in Rivals (Now div. 1) and WL.

Nothing can hold the guy back from either running or scoring. Only the whistle from the referee. He is everything you wan't in ur striker position.

  • The pace is absolutely insane. Not even Araujo on crack can stop this guy.
  • The shooting... I have never seen anything like that. Long shots, tap in, bicycle kicks whatever you wanna call it. Just shoot and he will put it in.
  • Passing is decent - not bad and still do some insane passes.
  • The dribling is also pretty decent for the player - ofc you don't use ur inner Neymar with this guy. He just needs to run in a stright line and thats it.
  • Most insane phys. This guy just can't get pushed off the ball. Multiple times when my opponent tries to push this beast they fall to the ground - not even kidding.

  • Will easily be my striker throughout the whole game.
  • Price - he is insane but holy **** 2 million coins is also a lot of money, but is he worth it? Surely.
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (10/10)
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