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I didn't get Messi myself despite opening the pick in time, I was obviously gutted. While I think it's unfair that the odds of the pick were rigged, I feel like whoever packed him, ggs to them.

The situation obviously is unfair, but it's EA to blame. Everyone almost always tries the exploit glitches when they come (it's a common occurrence now) so if it worked for them and they got lucky, good for them man. I don't see the point in crying and begging ea to take away their Messi, I'm sure if we got him, we'd not want that as well.

But regardless, this company is genuine thrash.


It's ridiculous how good this card is.


I know he's behind the power curve now, but I still rate this card man.

Especially in Elite division, his passing and dribbling are so ****ing useful with everyone pressing so aggressively. 99 composure is also such a massive stat. I hope he gets an Evo or a card in the future.


It's so sad that every year most players just feel mid because of this whole body type and ****.

Give them maxed out dribbling and yet they feel off, despite players like Palmer, Son, etc actually being so quick and nimble irl. "Authentic football" my ass


Looks very mid tbh, I low-key think he'll fit an EPL TOTS Evo, hence the mid stats.


He's class in game man. Idk what the complains are about the dribbling tbh? I mean ofc he ain't cruyff or Messi, but for that build he's amazing. Especially now that people sit back, he wins crucial 1v1 in the box.

Special card. Full meta.


Unless you pack the inform, I don't see why people should buy the other one to Evo him and make it untradable.

Personally, I wanted to get him for this WL but Imma wait since I don't see the inform staying at 500 with the upcoming content and the price of the IF will definitely affect this one.

One pro is that he won't be in packs since the if is in packs for now.


Packed him 2 weeks ago from the icon pack and boy this guy's something else man.

I've never packed gullit ever before this year and he's special man. He plays way above his stats.


I have saliba and I packed varane totw, so I evod him. Trust me, both aren't close to this guy. It makes no sense at all. I've been getting Rank 3 all year and last 2 WL I dropped him and instantly my rank dropped. This game doesn't reward manual defending at all.

It's sad that this game has 0 skill gap left, but it's all about using these broken players. I mean, FIFA never had a skill gap ever but it was way better than this.


Got him in the pick recently. Initially, I was kinda meh about it as despite him being expensive I thought the 3* WF would be an issue, but I was so wrong man.

He moves different in game and his shooting on his left is one of the best I've seen. I'm ngl, the WF does become an issue sometimes, but he offers you a lot more for you to not give a **** about the WF. A brilliant card!


Is it just me or advanced defending feels so weird ever since the last patch is out, can't lock in for ****.

Also, been hearing a lot of people saying tactical is better.


I was fortunate enough to pack him 4 weeks ago and I've been using him in my champs team since.

Even though my rank throughout the week didn't change as much (Rank 2 or 3 usually) I feel like he's a liability while defending.

Offensively he's a god. Especially power shots or trivelas, I've scored so many with this guy and it's not to say he can't defend, but his animation choices are just weird, he usually let's the winger breeze by. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the height, since Bacha does get out muscled but she kinda still has a good defensive presence.

Good LM/LWB, alright LB.


Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if he has an insane price spike after he's back in packs.

Yes, he can be packed, but the pack weight this week as compared to last week is crazy low. TOTYs have almost doubled in price in comparison to last week. With icons being more scarce to pack, should be a similar trend.


Exposed? Bro are you high? Defending could not be more worse this year. Legit, the 71 depth **** has most of your defenders do all the work for you.

Tackling for sure this year is more manual, but do you even need to tackle as much? The press pushes your defenders to charge like retards and with people like VVD, Varane etc you almost always get the ball.

There is only one way to play effectively and it's down the lines.


Honestly, I thought he was class in game. He was doing pretty good in Elite Division.

Fingers crossed for the upgrades tho.


Low-key cooks in game at LB. Offensively, he's goated. Dribbling feels much better than 85 and he scores everything. Defending is great as well.

However, height does become an issue with everyone crossing back post and heading it down for a tap in.




Guys I was lucky enough to pack Gullit 90 back in the start and got oberdoorf during TOTY.

Both are great, but with the new pressing it's difficult to break the press and release the ball ahead since both of them are clunky.

You think If I put gullit as stayback and do Sawa, that could work?


Stop capping bro, this guy is good but no way he's better than Pele 96.


Used him for 3 WL until I sold him recently because I wanted to try new cards.

I think he's dope man. Man is super jammy and consistent with his finishing. Idk why people are complaining about the dribbling, I for one think his dribbling is mad jammy for someone that huge and tall in game.




Brother, unfortunately her price will be on the decline until she's out of packs.




Will definitely crash hard since his inform will most likely be eligible for the totw upgrade.


VVD is still the best defender in the game bro, even the gold is better than Eder ww.


I told you guys, the window to buy was last week. Apart from the minor fluctuations, I only see him going up, unless EA decide to dramatically increase the pack weight.


Ideally striker


When do you guys think she'll start dropping again? Because I'm sure that at some point there will be a rebound for the crash as well. Happens every black Friday.


Bro, I know this one is clear. It's the community that's stupid. They will for sure want to Evo him.

Ain't no way I'm paying 500k for a totw and an extra 50k to Evo him and when I can buy this bloke for 500.


Thanks. But don't you think it's a bad call to buy now since he's 2.5 million already.


I doubt they'll release both icon teams together, since we'll have HM and team 2 with TOTY.

So, based on what you're saying I think after defenders release should be the best time to get him, yeah?


Bro, I went 16-4, Got Alison, Gabriel, Watkins & White in both picks.....


Him rw, Charlton st


I'm only saying the most logical thing. He's sure fun, but he's not worth 2 million imho.


Hunter for lengthy or engine anyway?


Y'all think he'll go lower tomorrow? Missed out on buying him at his low point and he's steadily rising now


I think she drops around 350 and settles there, also there is a chance she's re released as a trailblazer this Friday.

Altho, even then the gold won't rise or anything. Best you can hope is she stays stable.


Give me your ID and let's play, we'll see who's better.


Just packed him. Sell or keep?


Definitely brother.


This guy is OOP right? I see a lot of people packing Berbatov still, which is kinda confusing tbh.


Can't believe he hasn't dropped more. I sorta thought he'd touch **** or something.

This card must be something else in game.




Idk why I concede a lot ever since I got him? I feel his presence and all, but at times he misses tackles and I just feel like I'm conceding way more than I should.

Probably the gameplay or perhaps I'm not using him the right way, but just wondering if anyone is experiencing the same.


Bro, Vazquez is great but Cafu is something else man. He's got some different sauce in game.


When is the best time to buy? Her price has been pretty steady over the past few days.


Y'all think I should pick him up now or wait?


Everyone's been talking all that thrash about him, and yet ironically he and drogba is literally every other person's front 2 during WL.


Araujo and Varane are better tbf. The press is so op this year that you need defenders who can win the ball convincingly.

Militao is super quick, but his tackles aren't strong. Also the low composure has him lose lose the ball when pressed.


Brother are you seriously comparing him to VVD? Even TS varane is not better than gold VVD.


Well, I wanna buy him but I know he's gonna drop a little more until we hit TOTY.

However, I'm guessing that despite our market this year being dead, he should still skyrocket once his TOTY drops yeah? Happens almost every year but just asking as this year's market seems weird.


Yeah, I don't need players like Ribery to average Rank 2 or 3.


Look man, I was very fortunate to pack him and I agree with every word you say, but he ain't better than werner man, stop the cap.

I've had him for 2 months now and I think he's amazing, but he's a player you pack, not spend 2 million on.


Tbh, I'd say just get IF araujo or TS gomez.

While his stats look great, in game he's way too stiff on the turn and the pace split kills the card.


So honest review on this guy.

I used him for 2 weekend leagues I guess. Now, he's obviously a great card, no one can tell you otherwise, but idk if he justifies the price?

Played him at CAM/ST, while the dribbling is top tier, he gets bullied easily. Personally, playing him LW would be best for the best use of finesse. But unless you're holding since he'll probably rise more, this money for an LW seems kinda steep to me. But nothing wrong with the card, it's just the market rn.

Also, his shooting is weirdly inconsistent. He scores some bangers and sometimes misses easy ones, but that's FC

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