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Unpopular opinion but I for one am glad they introduced women into UT, just look at the variety of new players, sure by next year we'll probably get recycled content but this year we got to experience what it be like If EA gave other players promo cards.
GL to everybody saving packs, don't let people who say saving packs is useless and you won't pack anything. The point is having fun, opening a bunch of packs is extremely satisfying, enjoy that and who knows you might just pack a TOTY along the way.
The cup is fun no turtles, eusebios, totys, or Virgil's.
I still smile everytime I pack this legend back when the game was called FIFA it was impossible pack him continuously lol
Remember to wipe bro lol
Anybody who likes to point out peoples physical appearance genuinely hates themselves. Self esteem isn't going around putting down others. If you don't like yourself work on it on a personal level. Commenting trans on a card on Futbin is weird.
I was one of the "im not buying this game when it comes out f** EA" , but I bought the game during Xmas on sale and here's a few things I've noticed Starting from div 10, even with my starter team I noticed I was actually having fun, and I think the reason being, I'm so late to the game idc about what I've missed, and from the looks of it ? Nothing. The game is in shambles in everybody's eyes whose played it from release date but frankly boys I just think it's addiction that makes this game horrendous, we're so addicted the game becomes a job, a slave to nothing bc we earn nothing. Even if you're hitting 20-0, Elite rewards etc it still just tastes bitter. I have never been so happy to get 11 wins with my lil 100k starter team. I don't religiously play this anymore and it's actually fun now, hope y'all push towards your dreams a bit further this year much love.
Dynamic is a w, she looks so pretty.
The movement for the moment looks promising if we as the community can hold onto a few weeks without FP or dropping the game entirely, will force EA's hand into making improvements the community is asking for. They think this will blow over in a few days like messigate or other glitches but like Kendrick said "the audience not dumb, shape the stories how you want"
Bro is HIMmich after the upgrade.
Addiction, boredom, but mostly addiction mr bigdubbingtons
Bro is bitching on Futbin but calling everybody bitches. Irony
Mark my words Netflix will release a weird addictions/gambling documentary on this game & the corresponding negative effects it's caused this generation, I didn't know I was addicted to this pos game until I was all alone in my room, but had an end game squad before January last year. There was nothing to grind, I had R9, mbappe, toty vvd etc, my best run on WL was 17-3 with my god squad, it was never ridiculously easy to win with my god squad as you'd expect but I promise you the mechanics of this game are broken and others are masters at abusing these mechanics. It was honestly more frustrating to have all these players and still feel like the game wasn't offering what it should , 23 damn fifas later you know? I broke my addiction and not even ashamed to say I was. I'm 25 I started when I was 16-17, obviously when I started generating income guess what I'd buy ? Bc I was an adult and it was my hobby I loved, nah fam it was addiction lol don't let the love you have for the actual game we call football confuse you with this pos game. This game does not reflect your love and passion for football.
No shit
Idk if you trynna gatekeep cruyff but I promise if he releases it does not matter the way fodder is accesible I promise everyone will complete both look at Eusebio, everybody and their granny completed. Cruyff is cracked in every fifa, he can definitely play striker, winger, cam or even attacking cm.
You're wildly impatient is what you are bro, you'll have him surely by this weekend stop stressing.
Tots hidden gem. By far the fastest RB in the game and honestly faster than frimpong. As soon as he touches the ball you can literally feel the shift. Extremely underpriced, if this was psg he'd be more.
My reaction to the messigate was that scene in breaking bad when pinkman he screams "he can't keep getting away this" hahahahah
He's amazing. Honestly at times better than tchoumeni, bro just intercepts everything. He's lightning but dribbling could use help, shot is powerful but not super accurate, passing is surprisingly better than expected. Once I packed him I stopped gambling hero picks. He's peak. CDM, RB, Cm mr utility for me 10/10.
Sounds like you can't win a game without abusing the games mechanics lol they still work bro.
This is a 5/5 Icon bro.
Better than putellas there I said it. Save yourself some coin for tots and Sell your toty putellas and grab this card.
You should, I'm talking about yo moms somewhere in there.
If y'all paying 7 mil I'm assuming he's playing ST.
If you an atleti fan don't you hate Felix ? He obviously hates your team, and wants out permanently. And if he scores this weekend he's definitely celebrating lol
Packed her today, and all I have to say is she plays way beyond her stats I can't imagine her TOTY. For everyone who lost a mil that doesn't reflect her, keep her. The market is in shambles but no new card comes close to her unique animations. For everyone considering, get her NOW before she magically rises again. This price is a bargain folks
Don't worry about the rats bro, they think their rank gives them value, it's a game with digital value that ends in two months. Have fun lad you got R9
Bro don't know how to read.
If you still buying FP points or even playing you're an EAHOE, I've never seen a company fix a mistake on their part bc the rewards are actually giving. That's insane bro. It's like they don't want you to have fun they just want your damn money. Don't care how much money you have or make, doesn't change the fact you're a EAHOE . #EAhoe
It took me 7 seconds to read that lil bro lol I'm not even trynna insult you, but seeing as you can't read why am I typing this ...
I upvoted bc I found your comment entertaining lol
Why are you posting this on every other hero lol don't you have friends to talk to in your lil trading discord
Bro is a w for anyone who started playing 4 weeks ago lol he's incredibly fun. Currently using him as my attacking cm, has strong runs, surprisingly agile hood cover of field
Took till the end of the games cycle for me to pulll a w from an icon pick. The difference this time was my expectations were so low so when he popped out I wasn't even as excited as it should be almost like nahhh where's my lineker, VDS, and Gerarrd ??
It's dinho. Even base dinho clears any Felix card. R10 magic different.
When I packed this beauty I knew I had to complete R9 and put in R3 and let me tell you boys, vibes. They say below the power curve bc 1 playstyle but I dunno these Brazilians seem to have all hidden play styles.
Poor you bro you just be miserable
Made her red, club legend for me. Crafted TT Ginola so she comes off the bench and does wonders now. She's ok with the 1 year extension, and she does get to start during rivals.
Damn we finally know why mike ox big returns PFP is Adam Johnson, I've been dying to know for years.
If that was the case the game would automatically end at 3-0 but there's a reason it's 90 mins bro. If you can't hold a 3-0 lead, it's skill issue 101. I get 3 goals and slow the play, watch him tire out with constant pressure and if he doesn't quit by then I win at the end. Your opponent obviously thought you lacked skill and believed he could comeback and from the looks of your comment he came back and then you quit lol.
Legit thought he'd be 70k lmaooo I'm guessing he's cracked ??
Yeah I feel like you should only do zidane every year if you like him, and know how he played. Idk why people expect him to be Neymar dribbling, mbappe speed, with guilt defending
Try them and let us know bro
Grind the sbc bro, you're gonna get his base and wish you had this version. There is a difference whether it's a 2 mil difference idk lol
Where ever you need. He's my cb and he's end game for me rn.
He can last till futties even behind the curve this card glitches through specially if you can do any sort of skill. He feels like 100 pace only if you can manage some skill moves otherwise don't expect him to be mbappe. On his day he might be better his physicality mixed with skill moves is unstoppable.
And people still gon ask if he better than ". "
What if they bed ridden and terminally ill and this piece of shit game strays the bad thoughts. Not everybody a sweat, sounds like you big time deflecting.
Lol your evo wasn't worth, should've waited bro.
Too many gamble sbcs bro, I got like 10~ 83x10 and over 30~84+ packs and I just started saving two weeks ago lol but I skipped on all gamble sbcs since Xmas specifically the hero/campaign sbcs. I don't mind a Icon gamble if I got duplicates but as the year goes by those too will become obsolete.
Just don't buy the game bro lol any cent to EA is cancer.
If you ever wonder why you're alone and no woman wants to be with you, this why bro. I understand you may be mentally challenged but challenge yourself and fight the intrusive thoughts.
Bro exposing himself
He's probably an sbc there's no way he doesn't get one. This way anyone can get him
I honestly don't see him much so I'm happy ppl get to realize their regret in not completing him when they face mine. He's ridiculous for me on the wings, bomoastor, toty battle doesn't matter if their tiny he's ramming by I purposefully move him if I see a tiny full back just bc his physical is his biggest attribute imo, if you know how to use him he's Lightning fast and lightning shot.
I was talking to a buddy yesterday and we thought it was ironic that EA released the duplicate sbcs but capped it at 85, considering they knew they would lower pack weight and all we'd be generating is a buncha 84s with nowhere to go shows how much EA is against us. They could've added the 84 and even exchanged for silver or only commons.
Don't do gamble sbcs and pull lineker, acholes, Gerard, lampard. Craft this beauty, game changer and honestly bargain price.
This card is something else , and the best Raul card of all time.
He's obviously gonna get a better and newer card within a month surely, it happened when they realized UCL Tevez.
I'll take my time crafting both Rio and Lothar been chasing these type of picks all year ofc it's a W.
Bro you need to learn to read.
This is the answer to everyone commenting IQ test, why gamble and throw away fodder for terrible odds than actually grinding a certified mega pull. Fairly priced, and with enough time to grind.
He's the definition of quick, he's quicker than my fb coman, I play him on basic and bro is everywhere on the left flank. Super fun card
Ggs for not giving EA a cent all these years.
This huge IQ test if you choose not to complete. Absolute monster. I have him and hate facing him.
Incredible card as is, fully upgraded and you'll definitely regret you didn't complete. Idk why bro feels 6'5 in game but he's smooth as butter on the ball
Lol you never left if you played 193 matches.
Just read an article today that genz and younger are quite illiterate and can't read. So far true
Reading comments like this affirms I was right in not gambling those picks been about a month and some now, and without gambling mercilessly I've been able to complete any player SBC I want, almost done with Davies and already finished sawa, cafu, kimmich, and best. Real upgrades to my team rather than sending everything in and getting nothing and then being upset with the chances ea throws Every time lol
This card looks amazing in red
Play styles are amazing, even fodder cards like this perform uniquely. Tried him in cup, and he's incredible.
Got him from the pick meaning he's coming as team 2 next week.
Tried his loan, he's definitely him. Top 3 cb, my only issue and holding me back from going all in on him is his stamina is noticeable.
Raising Kainz
Davies is an animal at LB. Once she's a 93 she'd be ridiculously stupid not to play somewhere in the midfield.
He been out 54 mins bro.
Ima be honest, this is a must complete but if you don't have the fodder to complete in 2-3 days you won't have enough time to complete, those 90 rated squads are the worse. If you need a class CB or CDM this is your man. Top 3 ing and it's not even close. Hope E at bring back 83x10s and it's doable but these 82x20 are trash, even the picks have been nerfed.
Where do you play him lol he's godly for me. If you know how to L1 he's the fastest player on the pitch combo with a few skill moves no one's getting him.
My only concern was his stamina as everybody commenting that he's done by min 60. If you're on constant pressure yes he'll give you one half. If you imitate a certain style of possession/ build up play football he will last the entire 90. Took a week to craft, but 100% 5 games in and 12 goals I have no regrets.
Reminds me of Dani alves from previous Fifas
If you did him but packed a few better players and don't know where to play him, if you imitate real football he's a gem at RB. Think Cafu but better passing, he's not lightning quick but his high aggression feels like over 90 pace. Pings ball left or right , and always solid under pressure.
Davies 100% , arguably the best attacking lb in the game.
Bet you the possessive type that be getting jealous cuz your girl out with her male cousin. Relax chubs
This was bloody uncalled for, why would you commit murder in broad day light. Psycho
Bah fam you need that upgrade and I promise you'll feel the difference. This is huge W for you.
This is another tchoumeni situation over again, expensive yes. Overpriced ? No. Must do sbc ? YES!
Seems we're all Girona supporters for the following 90 mins.
Bro go to bed
You gon wait 2 weeks ? Lol
This card is broken,so if you got him from Icon pack it's a W. I play him with engine and his dribbling is ridiculous hahaha, the passing boost seems to give him 99 vision as well. Very very fun card, oh and I just realized after having him for 2 weeks now that he does not have 5*wf, literally does not matter he will finish inside the box.
In retrospect if you drop this game entirely like most of the community is already doing, EA will be forced to make changes to the game not packs. The game cycle is done unfortunately this should be the best part of the cycle but they've ruined that, and I don't have to remind you of all it. FC25 could be revolutionary if we actually as the community hold on. If you're commenting boycott EA and still opening packs and playing contradicts the movement. If you can't drop this game for a few months and can't even think of doing so look in the mirror bc it's real addiction. You're not even having fun.
Good for you bro. Break the habit
His base clears Scott I can't imagine Scott surpassing Cafu unless she gets every upgrade and even then bro just got that Icon magic.
The perfect defender, CB, LB, RB hell stayback cdm if you want. I went with him considering 1 85x20 isn't going to garauntee me something if his caliber, he's more than above the power curve especially if you choose the 5WF. Icon link is also valuable considering all these new cards from different leagues that need that extra icon chem
You do, that's just addiction talking. #boycottea
Facts lol Need a cb ? Need a cdm ? Here's a 2 for 1 combo
Bro dreaming
100% this was a 2 mil card and only did his price plummet finally till this sbc. Crafted asap replacing fb Reece james
Let's hope the 83x10s return next week. Remember Tchouameni will expire in like 10 days or sum, Vini will take an entire month.
Him, Fekir or salah for me.
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