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Let's be brutally honest here, too many of you clowns do not know how to trade and panic at any inconvenience you face. Please, before jumping on a hype train, ask yourself the following question:

How will I react if this card suddenly shoots down 10-15k?

If your answer is panic sell, just buy cards you're happy to have in your team instead.


Bros still in my superteam. We cannoh replace him, we cannoh


There are some cards that just elevate your team like no other. I think VVD/Gullit/Mbappe are the holy trinity for that. Vieira could also break in there. Cards that just have that aura and win you games consistently by themselves.


or aren't degenerate gamblers


No other CB lays a glove on him. He got that aura, better than lucio/maldini/alberto/kompany all of which I've used for numerous games. This card, his playstyles, height, passing, dominance on all fronts is simply untouchable.


Nah I've come back to sing his praises. He has a forcefield around him it's absolutely unreal. I used his shapeshifters last year and this card feels just like it with better animations???? The best CB in the game and miles miles miles ahead of his gold.


My favourite forward in the game. So smooth, so responsive, so threatening from all angles. Finesses are goals and trivelas come off so quickly probably even more effective than having a 5-star weak foot. Never goes hiding either always bringing my wingers (Rashford/Rodrygo) into play or making smart runs to shoot first time. 10/10


This is one of those cards some of you 'investors' will sell for a profit only to be met with a profound sense of regret once your exponentially worse replacement can't replicate half of what he does. Save yourself the hassle and keep him.


Like I have a target on my back for grinding him for my RTG. It's not even difficult to do man, not my fault I'm not a degenerate gambler who plunged all his fodder into useless icon SBC's and had an ounce of self discipline. How can earning the best card in the game lower my experience ffs need to nuke this community


Right, having used him I can confirm he's absolutely amazing. Slide tackle+ has been good on the last ditch tackles and obviously anticipate+ is a great PS+. Love his passing, great on the switches and can make overloads count by getting the ball quickly to my fullback whether its a pinged or incisive pass. Strong, good in the duel, good in the air, decent pace and a unique body type that has made his jockeying frame really nice. As for cons, maybe not light on his feet, his turning isn't too quick either. He's a pillar atb tho so it doesn't matter. An Inter win makes this card unbelievable.


Worst thing you can do LMAO. Buy the 89 and 88s instead. Harder to pack high rated fodder


Investors are so moist. Why would you shell out for a card like this just to gamble on selling? He's going to rise anyway, and those who have him will enjoy the best CB in the game. Stick to flipping Hincapie's bozos


best cm in the game for me


He's actually unreal. Wasn't gassed when I got him cause I had theo but his r1 dribbling to beat a man, pace in behind and defending is so clean w/ a sentinel i've found.


how is she upfront, wanna use her in a 442 with mbappe or is she wasted there


Play him upfront and smash balls his way with driven passes. The ball sticks to him like glue and his r1 dribbling to get out of those spots is mental. Took a while to get used to him as I was using Benz before but he's unlocked a new dimension. Must do card if he fits your team link wise


His physicals to go along with how smoothly he executes actions makes him one of a very select bunch of forwards. I surround him with TOTY Smith and POTM Mbappe and this might be the most fun the game has felt. Technical+ in tight spaces is a joke too.


If you have 1m of that in coins then yes imo. Can do the 89s with that, use your 1m fodder to do a bunch of squads and then do the rest over time. Wouldn't plunge coins in until you're almost done.


Lol shes sooooo good. Buzzes about and carries the build up w/ her agility.


Barca Femini hard carrying my team man. Been using her LS with Mbappe RS and they compliment each other so well. Hansen, Bonmati also unreal and I'd probs use Rolfo if it wasn't for untradeable TT Karchaoui.


her by miles


True, but people are more likely to open the store packs if he's more of an attainable card imo. If he's priced at 4.5m fodder won't rise as much which makes the appeal of buying a store pack much lower too. Playstyle+ makes a difference ofc but Jude was priced less than his trailblazer. Just speculation tbf but I'm looking at it from EA's best interests and it would be to price it lower.


I could nut man, he is him.


Not moving the needle as much as the weeks go by but he does bail me out on corners and FK's with the occasional incisive pass. Love him, 720 games, brilliant SBC, bish bash bosh.


There's a reason he's the go to ST for every pro. Ridiculously efficient sharp shooter probably the most impactful player I've ever used.


uncompetitive league and unserious talented footballers


Keepers are hit and miss but I can't help but think it's down to the player half the time. I found base VDS amazing even tho he had the odd clanger (as does everyone). Alisson has unbelievable closing speed and movement. You can afford to wait even longer before moving him, helping you predict the shot better and still cover the angle. He's unreal at saving shots across goal I've found (w/ a glove), so just use your defenders to show your opponent down the sides and he'll do the rest. A pretty good indicator that he's great is the fact I almost always concede fewer goals than xG I give up.


I've done him and tbh I love him on the wing. Honestly, he doesn't play like a 500k card, but he's still unreal, smashing balls into his feet at full pace to not move a muscle and continue making his way towards goal. R1 dribbling cutting in or down the line for a cutback is great too. Can play across the entire front line which will prolong his stay in my side. Don't regret it, what I do instead regret is the 3 meady hero packs I did to fulfill my degenerate gambling addiction.


Traits make him top, been rotating with kante in my team and they both bring different things. His presence elevates all my attackers which is probably the best compliment I could pay him. Love you x


700k while he's still in packs. As far as defenders go, he's the best for me. The closest player you can use to map his price is valverde but this VVD is even more premium and even more unique for his position. Can see him hitting **** maybe more.


He's perfect as a fullback, been trying him as a LM cause of the untradeables I have and while he's defensively secure, he feels stiff receiving the ball higher up the pitch. Needs a playstyle+ for him to be more useful than someone like Hemp there for me. Again this doesn't apply to everyone normal who uses him at LB, but its worth mentioning anyways.


is this a compliment


potm price prediction? is it worth selling my entire team to get to 2.4m and clump together fodder after that for his POTM? How many coins should you even sink into these sbc's


It's a skill issue. Just decrease your width and don't drag defenders out of position. Switch back to tactical defending if you haven't already. Long term that will make a difference.


focus mate, whats your coin total


CM position and he'd probs be 250k. Luckily I can buy him and rejig my team so he plays cm in game


Just played a WL with him. I was using UCL Kompany until now. Bastoni is significantly faster and a much much better passer. He does turn like a truck, but his jockeying somewhat makes up for it and I personally like pillar type defenders at the back. Opens the entire pitch up with his left foot. Unreal card without any upgrades, if inter win though... my word


11/20 with all 86> squads, 2x88s and 3x87s done. 3x89 will be bought. Have to try and grind 3x87 and 3x88 in the remaining 3 weeks. Doable imo


i'm a 13 wins player, got 9 last week when i went fully untradeable. Was 2-4 this week, bought him in cause my whole team just felt lifeless and went 11-3 from then on. This guy is the truth, elevates everyone, perfect passer and best value for money card you could find.


Every winger's wing play just feels like a downgrade from him. Yes, his shooting is inconsistent but the sheer number of chances this fella churns out is unreal and his changes of pace are immense. Feels so light on his feet. He's one of the best supporting cast players in the game, just get real finishers around him and watch him flourish.


Bro's weak foot has me suffering. Unreal card though I just need to learn how to make him click better. Using off the left swapping with son in-game has sort of reduced that.


He's nice. Quick, strong lb for me after a defending and physical boost. Maybe i'll move him on in the near future, but i'll have fond memories regardless


I have the inform but trailblazer is more expensive for a reason. Finesse+ best playstyle this year. That being said trickster+ cards have better burst cause the L1 to R2 motion is as clean as possible.


Only tradeable card in my team. Premium price for a premium card.


how does it work?


Him, but if you like your CBs to turn around in circles when pressed, Cannavaro.


After doing 92 Mbappe POTM and a bunch of dead icon packs after that, I decided to save fodder for a potential big sbc soon. Honestly tho, that's too time consuming. Done 8/13 for zizou, 3 87s and 2 88s to go (1 of which is almost complete). His loan was so good i submitted an 89 team after 1 game.


yes, noticeable difference with the traits

If you can buy 3 of the 89 squads then i would do him. Which means you need to make 400k over the next month, very possible with rewards

when is the best time to buy


try her out and sell when out of packs imo. But if the rest of your team is terrible then sell now


idk about that but fifa points is an unreal scam lool. Point they're making is you're probably better off burdening yourself with the risk of a ban in return for direct coins.


Unreal card, feels like a more refreshing base KDB with that huge pace hike and defending boost. The main man in my 1.5m team and the one i'll look to for that killer pass, even over 91 modric


Even better to have the coins bro. Grinding TOTW upgrades would be my first move. Very achievable seeing as low-rated fodder can't be used for Mbappe squads. Glad I could help!


Get her on 3 bro best card in the game and links are easy


He's so perfect. EA defo messed up the pack weights cause there's no way a card like this should've been going for ~230k in October when his 90 rated road to the world cup was 244k in FEB last year.


Reckon he hits about 3.5m in full release?


Low-key underpriced. Links improving as more and more useable Barca players come out to the point I can very easily get her to 3 chem with little compromise. Compared to someone like Dembele she's miles clear too. 1.3m seems fair, any higher and may asw buy the trailblazer.


Obviously, I can see him being priced high but it makes sense for him to be around 3.4-3.5m (a good price) and then rise to about 4m as fodder goes up.


Receive with L1. Another thing you could do is move in the direction that the pass came to you in as that lane tends to be empty.


bro is holding my chem together shame the card looks so clapped


Unbelievable card man, shadow on him and he's a lockdown defender. virtually unpressable can play either side + midfield and r1/ trivela crosses are nuts. Must buy


For those contemplating whether or not to get him, it totally depends on how willing you are to get used to his game. Hes un bloody believable off the last man, across goal shots are goals, in the air he's a demon too. You shouldn't use him in build-up, that's not his purpose and it's a complete waste in those situations. I pair him with Benz to compensate for that aspect of his game and my attack has gone up levels. Feels better than Griezmann and Rashford as a duo. Play him on the last line bursting off the CBs and you won't regret it. Thank you for attending my TED talk


Yeah, do a bunch of totw picks to shave off 400k. 700k of fodder into squads and grind the rest. Spend your 1m at the end to complete the 89 squads (you will need 1.2 ish)


lol love this card. so fun, price is relatively stable too as he's fodder value even tho he's more than useable.


Completed him yesterday and if it wasn't already obvious he's the best card in the game. Rapid+ is perfect too, he's going to last the whole game cycle as a winger towards the end. So much stronger on the dribble


That relentless+ playstyle comes in clutch latter stages of the game. Great card who plays above his stats and can do it all. If you're planning on getting him, you may asw seeing as an eventual POTM will probably be overpriced.


Benched Sawa for him. Maybe its a temporary thing but he's just got way more presence. Yaya Rodri(toty) pivot is something else.


What L, I got him for 640 and he's the best CB in the game. I just know you pick dingleberries out ur arse and have multiple restraining orders from schools you ba*****t dwelling disappointment


what chem style is best for him at LM


I play him LCM next to bonmati in a 442. Shadow or Anchor on new gen?


900 thousand*


First touch+ imo, lowkey underrated how well it stuns defenders


Bastoni man, love UCL kompany but he gets twisted in the wide channels too much. Feels significantly slower and a much worse passer.


Soon the science will not only be able to slow down the ageing of the cells, soon the science will fix the cells to the state and so we will become eternal. Only accidents, crimes, wars, will still kill us but unfortunately, crimes, wars, will multiply. I love football. Thank you


So utterly dominant, the only gripe I have with him is his passing especially as I use him as an outside centreback. Intercept+ is taking this card to the moon, if it doesn't, then you've got one of the best in the game


Frame matters for me man. Last year keepers were so much more OP and could smother shots. He can still do that, nice long throw on him and with a bit of movement guarantee saves.


Use l1 to stop on the spot, then pull of an elastico to stun the defender. She's the best in the game at it alongside Mbappe. Might help make her presence known more in games.


what does this even mean div 10 warrior


3x89 (will be using coins) 3x88 and 1x87 to go. With BF ending this is gonna be one hell of a slow burner


if you have a card like this you move heaven and earth to get them on 3. 2 works fine tho


Looooooool bro couple days ago I asked whether I should go for 89 Dembele or her. She's genuinely the best card in the game man. I always feel like I'm in a game regardless of the scoreline with her and she strikes unreal fear in opponents. Only winger that comes close is her trailblazer


Not defending cutback merchants but watch the some of the best teams itw (Arsenal/City) and they're always using cutbacks to score.


It's simple. Nothing in possession, only as a pure outlet on the last line. If you wanna maximise his usage tire your opponent out with passes around their box, get it to him a couple of times in the sequences without shooting, and then deliver the final ****.


unique body type helps with that


There's a way to use him and it's keeping him low touch as possible and smashing it at him when he's in space, knowing how you get your shot off after. 37 goals in champs. BOSH


golds usually drop anyways so just wait it out and collect fodder in the mean time


Give me this card and 10 pieces of wood. The game is ending 0-0 with a 50/50 tossup on pens. I fancy my chances.


Have both, he's miles clear


a simple 442. rodrygo bonmati modric hansen behind them


Yep, I usually finish round 13-ish wins but sold my team and went untradeable to finish on 9 after some headloss. I packed Ramires from rewards while I've never gotten anything above fodder previously. Unless your Rank 1 level its not worth the effort


Played an entire WL with him next to Mbappe. 26 goals 14 assists and single-handedly got me through relatively even games. Unbelievable card and got me enough fodder to do an icon pack and secure Eto'o. Super-sub now i'll never forget your service harold.


Pretty much the same situation and yeah you deffo can. I do have the coins to complete him though just incase but I reckon if you have 1m in the bank you can guarantee doing it.


I love this card. Slapped a catalyst on him to pair with Haaland to support his deficiencies and my word he's fantastic. He can do it all while feeling like a striker, unlike Griezmann who as good as he is, is naturally inclined to drop into the spaces behind the striker. He compliments everyone while being amazing himself.


Wouldn't really say its worth it hahah. He's the best CB in the game for me and a budget LB would probably serve you better. That being said if you're doing it for chem go ahead


deadeye, shot power goes to 92 from 80


Just spend those coins on De Bruyne's cause it'll give you more flexibility with your squads. Can fit in the more common 85-86 fodder in the highest rated teams


Wish he had a playstyle+ like anticipate cause he's almost perfect. Grateful that I can finally bring back my Theo and bin Beasley.


I mean besides the fact that it's genuinely not difficult to complete after all the BF packs, the fact this community makes you feel forced to have to prove you're not a p2w whale is crazy. They don't realise all those icon packs that lead to nothing 90% of the time just isn't worth it.


They need to bump his passing so he isn't as exposed on the break. Monster defender in the box and perfect for my 3412 flanked with varane and araujo, but tbh I'm only using him as he's untradeable.

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