96 - Icon
Let me just start this review off by saying i am honoured to have used this card and even happier to own it! The title of thw review doesn't only reflect my thoughts on how good the card is but more towards how i got him, so long story short a mistake i will not be making in Fifa 19, i did too many Prime icons this year, wasted a massive chunk of my coins on them! It got to a point where i felt forced to use them, so when R9 was released i thought to myself why not! Having 5 prime icons shaved a massive 2.2 million coins off of R9 not only that i felt like the shackles came off i could build any team i wanted around one of the best and my favourite players of all time!
So to the review, i am going to start off by saying you have to give this card time, especially if you have never used any version of R9 yet, for the simple fact that as soon as i got him i jumped straight into D1 to test him before the Weekend League, thinking i will out pace and out strength any defender no problem and score every shot easily, while R9 makes this easier obviously this wasn't the case, after my first 5 games i was left a little frustrated expecting more, i was playing him in a two striker formation paired up with Mbappe and the SBC Kaka behind at CAM, i usually roll with 4231 so i switched to this formation and played R9 upfront on his own, and my word the difference was night and day, he shone so much here. So my first bit of advice would be don't expect to win every game because you have him and give him time like any other new player to gain the experience to play him at his best.
The second part of this review i will compare him, after 50 games, 10 D1, won the division in my 10th game, and 40 games in the Weekend League 29/11 he had scored 67 goals and 20 assists, you might not think that is brilliant but the way i learnt to best use this card is don't force it to him as good as a player is Football and Fifa alike will always be a team game, he is like the bait, players expect you to feed R9 at any oppurtunity i used this to create space for my other players. Let me start off by saying there is still one player i prefer and think is better (in my opinion) to R9 and that is Cristiano Ronaldo (any version) i don't know why he just feels better for me, i use R9 at St and CR7 at Cam in a 4231. Apart from CR7 no one comes close to this R9 card for me, maybe the Prime Henry and Ronaldinho if i had to give runner ups, but i only used the loan versions of these cards for 20 games.
I will just give the Pro's and Con's below or this will become a really long review but one con i have to give which is more an opinion that makes this card imperfect for me, is his workrates as M/M this obviously causes him to come deeper to recieve the ball which makes sense seen as though he can bully his way through defenders or just skill them to death i get it, but for me i prefer him to stay up there and get in behind so if you are like me and prefer your striker to do so, don't forget to set his instructions to get in behind.
- Pace
- Strength
- Positioning
- Agile
- Double 5*
- Links to anyone
- Composure
- Best shot in the game
- Takes time to get used to him.
- Workrates
I dont even know how to start prime R9 is so good its crazy. When I saw the release of his prime version I just started to sell most of my club to complete the sbc and it was worth it. Btw I recommend you to do the base icon upgrade with using the icons from the packs I "only" payed 3kk for the sbc.
So lets start R9 dont lets you down he can do what ever you want. I played 20 games now with him (all in league 1) and he managed to bang 67 goals in. His Pace is simply crazy just press the sprint button and all defenders are gone.
But whats even better than his pace is his shooting omg. I had toty kane 96st Cristiano Ronaldo but this card is just diffrent he makes it looking easy to score he just cant miss. Its not even fair any more it doesn't matter from where you shoot or which angle you have to the goal R9 will find the back of the net.
His dribbling is also crazy good but other Players like Messi and Neymar can compete with him in this aspect.
And than there is his strength he just has the ability to keep any defender away from the ball wich makes him very special.
For me R9 is simply the best player in the game he can win you games by his own and will never stop scoring.
SHOOTING: Can score what ever you want him to score
5*WF/Skills: R9 doesent have a weak foot both of his feets are the best in the game
Positioning: Always makes good runs
Pure Game Changer
Its Ronaldo :D
Cant imagine a con
Here we go !!! EA finally released the BEAST alongside with Gullit ! And what a release it is ...
I had Ronaldo NIF 96 in ST. Had to sell it to make my favorite player of all time. R9.
Had to think about it twice because C.Ronaldo was a real game changer. Lots of goals, lots of assist, but man, this R9 is an absolute MONSTER ! Right foot, left foot, header, volley, skill moves, pace. He has EVERYTHING you can dream of.
And oh man the feeling ... I can't describe it but it's very special, it looks like he does everything you want him to do.
Positioning is superb. I will not talk about finishing wich is madness.
I started week end league yesterday and guess what. 12 games 23 Goals and 10 assists. Numbers are talking ...
5* Skills moves
5* Weak foot (if we can call it weak)
Great header
No cons honestly
This card is the pinnacle of this years game. I wiped my whole club out besides prime dinho for this card and let me tell you it was worth every penny! This man is a great card and saying he is very well rounded is an understatement. He has a rocket of a shot and the keepers never have a chance. He is rapid and strong meaning defenders have little to no chance of stopping him. For me he is always in the right spot at the right time and makes wonderful runs which always seem to lead in a goal. I would recommend this card to anyone looking for THAT player to complete their team. He is a true leader on the team and he always ends up with the ball and scoring.
5* Combo (He has no weak foot. Just a stronger foot than the other)
Finesse and flair fullness on the ball
Free Kicks
Price for most but is well worth it!
Work rates (but is very manageable)
It's an absolute honor to be able to own this Ronaldo card. He's just absolutely spectacular, and all the trouble I went through in getting him was totally worth it. His value being over 4.5M at all times makes it impossible to get for any regular FUT player. I managed to get him through SBC, and I had to sell some of my key players such as Salah OTW, Prime Rijkaard, Prime Larsson (used him as the base icon striker for the SBC) etc to get him. I got fortunate in getting De Bruyne and Fernandinho in the PL TOTS SBC to be able to sell off Salah, Rijkaard and Larsson to finally go for Ronaldo (otherwise, my overall team would've been weaker if I had gone for Ronaldo without KdB/Fernandinho).
Everything I'd read about Ronaldo prior to getting him are all sooo true. He's got electric pace, gets into some fabulous position (particular for crosses, as he always seems to unmarked or the cross finds him!) and dribbling is brilliant as well. His finishing is just a joke. It doesn't matter where you take the shot from, he'll score for ya. I thought his passing was definitely better than what some had described earlier. Defensively you can't hope for a lot from him, but better to save his stamina and not track back with him a whole lot. Speaking of his stamina, the reason why I say that is because it can be problematic if the game goes to extra time.
Overall, just an unbelievable, unbelievable card and I'd highly recommend going for it, if the opportunity arises, through the SBC. Even if it means the rest of your squad isn't as good filled with IFs etc. He's very much worth it!!
- Finishing is a joke, by far the best in FIFA (and I've played with other strikers such as 90 Henry, 90 Larsson, 94 Lukaku, 91 Salah, 92 Neymar etc)
- Incredible at finding and running into space, particularly behind the defense, if you can find him with a through ball or a pass
- Passing is very good too, better than what's been described
- Great header of the ball from crosses, better than his PHY would have you believe
- Dribbling is terrific too
- Only thing i can think of is his stamina if the game goes to extra time. No other weaknesses apart from that.