Dries Mertens's card is rated 87, he is 169cm | 5'7" tall, right-footed Belgium striker (CF)
that plays for
Serie A TIM
with High/Low work rates.
His average user review rating is 3.8
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 22,304,264 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.529.
Dries Mertens has 4 special cards
with ratings between 87 and 95.
The best chemistry style for him is BASIC.
He was born on 06-05-1987 and he is now 37 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 1 goals and 0 assists in 3 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 10,500 on PlayStation,
11,000 on Xbox,
and 27,000 on PC.
Mertens is a benefit to any team. With his incredible 89 pace and his 94 agility, he can slip in and out of defenders with ease. Combined with his 90 dribbling, getting into a one on one situation with any player will usually result in a positive outcome. 80% of the time, Mertens will beat the defender, unless the defender is Pique. Which brings me to my next point, Mertens's physicality and height. Mertens has so many positives that there must be a negative, which happens to be his height. Mertens small height of 5'7" results in him being on the recieving end of shoulder to shoulder challenges, where he ends up getting battered most of the time. Aerial challenges are a pain in the backside when Mertens is contesting a header against Peter Crouch, as he will never get to them. Aside from Mertens's lack of height and strength, he is a quick and speedy player that will beat anyone in a 1 on 1. Mertens also has a miraculous shot, scoring goals from 30 yards out like it's no ones business. Mertens is an incredible player and deserves to be in any team.
There is a lot to talk about when someone mentions Mertens and the way he should be played. Usually, conversation involve sentences like these; "O noes, he smull, -NO Stenthg butt he fastt >:("
These usually don't answer anything and leave you with more questions than you had in the beginning.
So where should you play Mertens? Fam, I don't know. What I do know is that I play him as a striker. So....do I have issues..? Well besides the fact that I lost half of my fortune due to Black Friday and got fuck all, I'd say no....Mertens as a striker actually does work...and your formation as well as all the players around him have a huge impact on his performance. It's more about in what kind of situation you often find yourself when using Mertens. If these situations happen to be crossing situations i may advise you to stay away from Mertens as a striker as he is neither tall nor strong. His strength is something that is noticeable in-game....A LOT. According to EA, this bloke goess less to the gym than I do and that makes me feel good about myself. Often you will find Mertens falling...for no apparent reason and when I say no apparent reason I mean this guy gets thrown around like a wheel of Parmigiano Cheese during making. The easiest and most efficient way to utilize a Mertens striker is to play through the middle OR from the flank with low driven crosses and through balls. So any formation that is more centered should do the trick OR a 4-3-3 if you like low driven crosses and perfectly timed through balls.
I found out that using anything that involves a LM/RM can be tricky to master but once mastered, like I did (small ego boost), it can and will be...spicy (I just did the ok hand and kissed my fingers like I'm some sort of italian chef.). The reason I find this strong is because I am a guy who really loves through balls and is always searching for the cheekiest of angles.
Mertens -> Pass-Go to a winger -> Through ball to Mertens -> 1-on-1 -> Goal...as simple as that. Brb. I just noticed that Spotify is playing some weird ass donkey shit.
Okay, I'm back.
His shooting is something that really fascinated me, at least to some degree. He is really clinical from everywhere and even more so when you slap a Deadeye on him. What I did realise though is that Mertens has a weird tendency to smack the ball over the bar even when he is a few feet in front of the goal, therefore I recommend to pipe down when filling the shooting bar otherwise you'll be hitting the parking slots outside the stadium and probably be fined for illegal parking.
There is not much more to mention. His passing is very good and of course much better compared to the passing of your conventional strikers like Icardi, Immobile or Higuain. This of course can and probably will be crucial as he won't be giving anything away to the opposition because of an inaccurate pass (fuck you, Immobile!).
Same goes for his dribbling; it's in the 90ies. He is agile, fast, quick on the ball, can turn around easily and would probably leave me faster than my girlfriend did.
His Workrates of course are also ideal for a Striker, he will often make runs behind the enemy, so yeah.
Stamina isn't really an issue if he is used as a striker because strikers generally don't run as much in the game. CAM could be a problem but it really doesn't matter who your CAM is because CAM in FIFA 19 get really tired, so make sure you have someone to bring in when the 60th minute of the game hits.
To make it all short; He has proven to be a very good striker if used 'under the right conditions'. Of course, alternatively you can use him as a CAM, everything I just said also goes for CAM
so feel free to do whatever you please.
I'm naked.
Relatively Fast
Good Shooting/Very Accurate
Very Good Passing (Compared to other Strikers)
Very Agile and Quick at Passing/Dribbling/Shooting
I got Mertens to fit him into my Serie A Squad because I wanted to try out his dribbling and shooting before buying Dybala. I used him with a Hunter chemistry style in a 41212 narrow. Anyway this is my straight forward review.
PACE - 6 (Hmm But he's small and agile?)
He doesn't have the best stats for speed and I was quite disappointed with his speed in general. With a Hunter chemistry style he goes up to 99 acc and 95 sprint speed. He didn't feel like this at all either this was down to the actual card or the game mechanics. Every time I went past a defender I was caught every time, he felt like 85 pace and with that low strength he was easily bullied of the ball.
SHOOTING - 7 (Finesse City)
The only thing you really need to know about Mertens shooting is that to just finesse, that's all because he is damn good at those. I wouldn't advise taking a power shot because for some reason they are not power shots they're weak shots, just doesn't have the power for it so just finesse every time. His finishing inside the box got worse the closer he got to the keeper I will admit which is a shame he just didn't feel like he was clinical.
PASSING - 8 (He's good at that...)
There's really not much to put into passing, I feel his passing is better than the average striker so if you like quick passing Mertens is a + for you.
DRIBBLING - 8 (In out in out shake it all about...oh wait I feel sloppy now)
Let me say Mertens dribbling is superb at full fitness he can turn fluidly, get into tight spaces and keep the ball close to his feet, almost Messi like but as the match starts to play the longer he's on the pitch the harder it is to turn him, it's like his batteries are dying and is becoming unresponsive. Around the 60th minute because he also hasn't got the best stamina or strength he can become useless because he becomes harder to do the things I want him to do and everyone just bodies me out the way because I can't turn as fast as i need too.
DEFENDING - 2 (Have a better time throwing rocks at the ball)
Obviously he can't defend, he's not meant to defend so be prepared to lose every 50/50 battle but because he's short and agile he can react quick to attack the defender/midfielder.
PHYSICALITY - 3 (practically a leaf)
Mertens is weak okay, he gets bullied off the ball so easily it's not even fair also with that low aggression it makes him feel even weaker so just don't try and hold up or out body anyone with him. He also can not jump and with being so small he may aswell be stuck on the ground it does take away that dimension of another way to attack because don't even bother crossing the ball in to him even with the OP corner technique he can only use his small feet. Stamina is not the best but manageable by the end of the game he is on his back legs though so expect a massive decrease in stats to make him feel like an even worse player.
there's not much to say about Mertens, Maybe he's just not my kind of striker to use but this year the meta has changed and it's no longer the way tp go.As a CAM this guy would probably be really good, but I wouldn't use him as a striker especially a lone striker. I wouldn't say completely stay away but give hi a try because he might suit your style of play.
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