Jérôme Roussillon's card is rated 82, he is 175cm | 5'9" tall, left-footed France defender (LB)
that plays for
VfL Wolfsburg
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.3
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game.
Jérôme Roussillon has 2 special cards
with ratings between 82 and 92.
He was born on 06-01-1993 and he is now 31 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 7,800 on PlayStation,
9,500 on Xbox,
and 12,500 on PC.
I've used him now for more than one hundred games. His teammates have changed and the formation has changed many times but Roussillon is still there. Even through bad gameplay and losing streaks he still manages to shine. Its something about this beautiful man that is broken.
Defending - I feel so fortunate to have a player who, without having to press a button, can take the ball from the opponent consistently. It sometimes feels like he plays on minus 200 ping and predicts passes before they have even been taken. This helps so much with keeping the pressure on the opponent when you win the ball early.
Pace - The guy can start 5 meters behind a full sprinting Ousmane and catch him 10/10 times. As long as you believe him to catch a player, he will. He just needs confidence.
Physical - His stamina is good. He's short but can compete with most wingers. Even though he might not win headers he makes sure to put the opponent off so they don't make the header. (This is probably because headers are so bad this year buuuut anyway, Roussillon is solid)
Dribbling - He won't disappoint but he isn't 5-star skills either. Can complete fake shots, ball rolls and dragbacks cleanly which is like all you need.
Passing - He can pass well. Since he's a left back he doesn't need to have 99 passing. He can do the basics consistently and that's enough.
Shooting - I have him on stay back while attacking so his shooting doesnt matter.
Conclusion - Lets say it like this. If I could clone him and have a back four of just Roussolion I would get top 100 easy ;) ;)
Pace - No one can run past him. It's actually impossible. He eats Dembele and Messi for breakfast.
Defending - He somehow predicts everything the opponent will do without having to press a button.
Physical - He runs nonstop and always gives 100% while tackling.
Beautiful in game face
Shooting - Who needs it though
He's, unfortunately, a left-back which doesn't impact the game as much as other players
I've using him for quite a time now and all I can say about him is that he will mostly never leave my hybrid bundes squad
First of all, he is very quick, his pace is very helpful when facing PL speedster, 99% of the time is not outpaced
He defend pretty well, it's not a beast but is very decent
He workrate he very good and don't worry he'll come down the pitch to defend after each attack
He cross pretty well also, but I'm not a fan of crossing in this FIFA
He also have a pretty decent shoot and often offer support when attacking and leading some of my counter attack
More than 80 and still counting, associated with Hernandez at the left of my defense, the two are awesome plus Kingsley Coman on the left wing, the combination is perfect
Didn't play with Ferland Mendy, but he is definitely better than Benjamin Mendy for your french squad
Worth coins guys
-Attack ability
-Fair defense
-Can be outpaced by excessively fast player (Sterling, Sané...)
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