Ben Chilwell's Inform card is rated 82, he is 178cm | 5'10" tall, left-footed England defender (LB)
that plays for
Leicester City
Premier League
with High/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.5
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game.
Ben Chilwell has 2 special cards
with ratings between 79 and 84.
He was born on 21-12-1996 and he is now 28 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 32,000 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 50,000 on PC.
I doubt anyone will need to read to this due to it being written several months after his release and the fact he is so cheap. Oh well....
OK, so some context is needed here. This card was released maybe 4 months ago nearly and Chilwell was my one and only red pick from Fut Champs that week. Effectively he sits on the shelf in my club 80% of the time. However, when I do need to use him, most recently in the future star objectives just because he fits, (on 7 chem) and is free. He is insane. Not many 82 rated LB's i feel can keep the likes of 94 Messi and Story-line Politano in their back-pocket for a full game. As a spare LB or as a starter in a Prem team, considering the lack of cheap good ones in the Prem this year he's perfect and does everything i need and expect him too. I am yet to randomly yell at my TV screen about him. Has earned a spot in my heart and bench for the rest of the year.
Note: Played in a (4-2-3-1) on 7 chem at the time of writing review. Average and fairly casual Div 5 player, rarely play Fut Champs and haven't played with him in that mode. Has Anchor on him.
Sprint Speed, You wouldn't expect it looking at his base stats, but once up to speed catches players he just shouldn't catch, maybe Anchor chem style doing this.
Strength, Of course he's going to be coming up against weaker players but likewise with the sprint speed, didn't expect him to feel as strong as he does. Rarely will i commit to a challenge and he wont win the ball due to that weird EA mechanic of weaker players shrugging off tackles.
Defensive Awareness, A very good positional player, always where I need him to be when I need him. Sometimes this does create a weird effect, my team occasionally pulls too far to one side with him staying in position - this creates a big central gap in my defense for the opposition to run between. Probs more my custom tactics or CB's at fault.
Crossing, never really used him for crossing. probably because he stays deep as a position and i prefer m right side for attacking. Though when he does rarely get into position crosses never seem to be to effective in terms of the mount of power on them. Again nothing less than expected for his stat.
Stamina, Ironically his best stat was the main issue I had with his card. Do find i end up bringing him off around the 75 minute mark most games. Sometimes could be effected by my opponent bringing on a fresh winger and I simply need to refresh my defense. Also seems to be effected by team press tactic way more than most of players, despite not making many attacking runs.
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