Anselmo's TOTS card is rated 90, he is 185cm | 6'1" tall, right-footed Brazil midfielder (CDM)
that plays for
Al Wehda
Saudi Professional League
with Med/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.2
out of 5 .
He has 2-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game.
Anselmo has 2 special cards
with ratings between 74 and 90.
He was born on 20-02-1989 and he is now 35 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 65,000 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 94,500 on PC.
This card is honestly pretty good. I know that there were some people that wanted to buy him, but wanted to read a review to see if its the right choice, and i can honestly say for those coins its a good deal. I used him with a powerhouse because i unlike many people dont need lots of pace on my CDMs, but of course if you do just give him a shadow. Anyway, Its a good card. Pace for me was pretty nice, passing with a powerhouse was good, and the physical stats were really nice. The 99 stamina could also make him a great box to box. 3 star skills for me was fine, dribbling was nice, hes the right height for a CDM, and the defensive starts were very good. The only thing lacking was the shooting, 78 finishing and 2 weak foot, might be a problem for some people, but overall a pretty solid card.
I've tried Anselmo for a few games, and this guy is such a beast. I play him as my cdm in 41212.
His presence is insane, thanks to his high aggression reactions and strenght, he is a kanté that feels so much better on the ball.
Yeah his finishing is shit and his weakfoot ain't that great, but as a sentinel that'll stay in front of your cb, he will do an amazing job. He feels great on the ball, his agility and strenght makes him a really good box to box cdm, and his passing is amazing.
In front of the goal, he won't be that great, but that's kinda expected.
Less than 70k, he is a bang for the buck.
Amazing Strenght
Feels good on the ball
Great passing (despite the low curve)
God tier stamina
Obviously the WF
His lack of finishing might be a big NO if you like to push your cm forwards
So first off i only ever write reveiws if i absolutely love the card, or i feel they are underrated and thats exactly what this guy is. i have played a full weekend league with him and im a casual player who hits gold 3 almost every week.
When i first saw this card i was so excited to use him, then i remeber i have no coins because i do to many SBC. but when he came out in my red picks i was super happy. I play him on 10 chem with an anchor chem style as a CDM in a 4231. he plays along side TOTS Hendo and in front of Flashback Miranda and Boateng.
he is on the same level as all 3 of them in his defending, he is above all of them with his physicals. heis a little lower then hendo with his passing but thats to be expected.
To go along with all that i play him with stay back while attacking and cut passing lanes also cover centre. hendo is on a balanced instructions so sometimes i find its just anselmo left in the middle. he is more than capable of taking on anyone, or holding up play to allow hendo to get back.
If ypu can link him into your team, even on 8 chem i would highly suggest it as he is fantastic.
Short and long passing
honestly there is nothing that sticks out to me but for the sake of the reveiw i would put down his shooting as once or twice he has missed some shots. but hes also scored 3 goals so hes still great for a CDM
and maybe his heading. but again i havent noticed this issue.
I bought Anselmo on a whim along with a bunch of Saudi Arabian and Turkish league players when the first TOTSSFs rolled out. Figured 50k for a 90 would be either a decent steal or I could try to recoup the investment if it didn't work out.
I start him in a 3-5-2 formation with Petros (another MBS league steal at 88 OVR) as the two CDMs with Jose Sosa ahead as the CAM. This lineup is my lowest-chemistry lineup, but it's also my best ball-winning midfield and with Cisse and Falcao up top, there's speed to take advantage of. Anselmo is a superb tackler and not only moves well as a box-to-box MF, but covers the field from side to side well. I notice that a few reviews don't rate his shooting well, but I've found that if you can time your through passes to him just right on his late runs into the box, he tucks those chances away regularly. If you play short corners to a runner before they get out of the box to come to the corner-taker and then swing a quick cross in, he is usually the one powering the ball in at the far post. His 85 PAC is good, especially early on. He slows down a bit but still provides good protection to the back line late in matches.
Do not attempt to play long passes to his left. Weak foot is WEAK.
If you have a whistle-happy ref, he'll rack up fouls.
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