Player Review
90 - Icon
he's the best st I've used so far in fut 20 and i used baby r9,cr7,messi and many more.
honestly hes insane hes shooting with both marksman and finisher is insane
if u want him in ur team u need a really good cam with good dribbling,good pace and passing. butra(the nickname i gave him) is a really good finisher from everywhere on the pitch, he never misses a shot thats crazy both right foot and left foot, u cant really count on him to win 1v1 against the defence with that low a** strength and 3 star skills but thats when ur cam(mine was insigne scream with free roam and sstay forward together with neymar lam with free roam) this 3 r a perfect match, but u dont have strength at all so u can bring a nice aggressive player to the ram
i think butra is the best st in the game if u looking to buy a st over 1 million coins
i bought him after packing baby r9(review on him will come soon)
if u r thinking about buying cr7,DONT, this card is 10 times better if u r looking for a player with good dribbling and pace.
amazing shooting never misses a shot
5 star weak foot
amazing dribbling
short passing
headers r pretty good against medium-tall people.
low strength and aggression
expensive as f
3 star skills