Player Review
93 - Icon
Let me preface this by saying im not a great player, i usually finish Gold 3 with 1 or no games left, but this weekend i managed to get Gold 2 with 2 games left to play, and its pretty much all because of this guy, he managed to bag a cool 38 goals in 25 games, and managed a good 17 assists as well, 55 Goal contributions in 25 games. He isn't perfect obviously, no player is. His workrates aren't the best, i didn't notice them too much, but sometimes they did get in the way, he also sometimes hit the post on chances i believe he should've scored. Other than that, hes a sublime striker who i'd recommend wholeheartedly if you have the coins.
Shooting, Absolutely sublime (most of the time)
Dribbling, Lean, and high agility/balance all comes together to make a quality dribbler who very rarely will let you down
Passing, this surprised me the most, he is a quality passer from the ST position, definitely wouldn't recommend as a cam but hes competent in strike
Pace, he is fast, yeah hes not Adama or Mbappe, but he does the job well.
Weak Foot, honestly if i didn't know h was right footed i wouldn't be able to tell, both feet are absolute wands
M/L workrates are the only issue i had with him
Physicals, hes not strong obviously but his dribbling makes up for it