Lucas Hernández's card is rated 82, he is 182cm | 6'0" tall, left-footed France defender (CB)
that plays for
FC Bayern
with High/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.0
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 2-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 2,121,014 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.020.
Lucas Hernández has 2 special cards
with ratings between 82 and 90.
The best chemistry style for him is BASIC.
He was born on 14-02-1996 and he is now 29 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 8 matches in domestic competition. He also received 1 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 1,300 on PlayStation,
2,900 on Xbox,
and 6,900 on PC.
Ok guys. Fifa 21 started and everyone (except the jiggili diggili rich youtubers) is looking for cheap players to get along with in the first Weekend League (which was delayed due to unforseen circumstances > cheers EA, same shit as every year).
I play this freaking, french baguette with fromage sun of a gun next to David Alaba and I have to say I don't see any difference comparing them both sexy Bayern triple crown 2020 champions. Let's check his stats:
Im currently a ligue 3 player, started with 4 wins out of 5 (lost the 5th thanks to a loan army around Haaland)
Pace > 10/10
Very fast for a CB, catches up strikers easliy.
Shooting > It doesn't matter for a CB like the opinion of MC Donald Trump.
Passing > 8/10
More than enough for a CB, can't remind any worng pass resulting in a goal for my time wasting playing oponnent.
Dribbling > 9/10 (for a CB)
Quick turns, faster than a virgin losing her virginity.
Defending > 10/10
Very good! Even Ronaldo or the high rated players (Nakata) struggle to get passed him.
Physicality > 9/10
Nearly better physics than John Cena. Some say the train in the same gym.
To be honest > This card is never ever a 82 rated player. Honestly feels like an high rated CB. If he would be in the overpriced Premier League he certainly would my cost 50k.
Very good defending
Very good physical
Sexy hyper link to his brother, who by the way is pretty good as well (yes I do play both in one team)
Good links due to his french baguette nation
Can't see any at the start of fifa. Maybe if you don't like baguette fromage, but otherwise nothing to complain about.
This card was almost a shoo in for my first weekend league team- the stats and price of the card made it look to good to be true. and I have to say, too good to be true was definitely the case here. This card certainly doesn't deserve a scathing review- he wasn't good, but he wasn't awful either. I'd say the main problem probably comes from his height. Many justify the height of CB's because crossing isn't meta this year unless its low driven. A) This is false. not too many people actually cross the ball in the air, but pretty much every time I came up against a regular crosser, this guy was an absolute melt. futbin doesn't have his body type but it seemed to be lean in game- combine that with the 6'0 height, the relatively low strength/aggression/jumping and this guy loses every header, sometimes even against wingers. also meant the 'long ball' tactic was a pretty big weakness: one on one lobbed through balls and clearances were a killer. B) A massive pro of having tall CB's is the tackling- the taller they are, the longer their legs, meaning long tackles that can take the ball from further away, more deflections and blocks they make, etc, etc. this is evident in players like Van Dijk- his legs are like Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Men™. though I think the problems stop there honestly. pace doesn't lie, and this guy felt fast for a cb. turned well, followed the striker around off the ball perfectly. Tackling can be pretty horrific in this game, and this guy suffered a fair bit during the WL, but I am probably just being a little harsh on him because his CB partner was Klostergoatmann. for some reason he was on the top of the 6 yard box pretty much every corner, which meant he actually scored a few times, surprisingly. Overall, not a bad starter CB, but shouldn't be in your team past the first weekend league.
Pacey boy
Technical ability- dribbling and passing were decent
linkability- heaps of ways to fit him in your team
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