Lothar Matthäus's Prime Icon card is rated 93, he is 174cm | 5'9" tall, right-footed Germany midfielder (CM)
that plays for
with High/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 5.0
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 1,349,163 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.170.
Lothar Matthäus has 3 special cards
with ratings between 88 and 94.
The best chemistry style for him is SHADOW.
He was born on 21-03-1961.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
So, I cleared out my entire club of all fodder and used up all my remaining coins for the Prime or mid icon player pick. Opened it with my heart pounding in my chest and out came... Mid Kluivert, Prime Inzaghi and fucking Prima Matthäus. After careful consideration of around 1.5 seconds, I of course went with the German wreckingball.
I've never had a player this expensive before, so I was itching to try him out. I play DIV3 in 4-4-2. I figured Matthäus would be wasted as a purely defending CM, so I slotted him into the balanced CM position and gave him an Engine chemstyle. I was hoping he would make an impact on both the attacking play and the defending play. I could not have been more correct in this regard!
Man, he just does it fucking all. And it seems he is everywhere on the pitch. One minute at the box of the opponent making combinations and scoring goals, but when I lose the ball and the opponent goes into counter-attack, POOF suddenly Matthäus is on my side of the pitch again cutting passing lines and bullying attacking players trying to pull of a dribble. And he keeps this up all game long too!
Let's review his base stats one-by-one:
Pace. Just insane for a midfielder. 98 acceleration just launches him when I start sprinting and gets him to where he needs to be in a heartbeat. Even when I am not controlling him, he is insanely fast to get where the heat is. His crazy good positioning also helps of course. His sprint speed is also top-notch.
Shooting. With mid-Cantona and prima-Butra, I don't really need him to score many goals. But fuck if he does though. His long shots are the best I have ever seen, even though long shots are nerfed to hell in Fifa 21. Penalties are crazy good too, and don't even get met started on free kicks. To Matthäus, there is no difference between a free kick or a penalty, they all end up in goals.
Passing. With Engine, his short and long passing goes to 98. I can not add anything to this, if he misses a pass, it is because I screwed it up. His crossing is insane as well, I even managed to score a corner directly when my opponent moved his keeper out of goal to cover my Cantona.
Dribbling. Arguably, his weakest stat and the reason I gave him Engine. Do not worry though, these stats are lies. Due to his average body type, he is nimble enough and can easily pass a defender by dribbling. Sometimes he even feels on par with prima Butra.
Defending. Just insanely good. If he manages to get a touch on you, you will lose the ball. We all experience the annoying bounce backs, where you tackle and attacker, but somehow they still keep the ball (fuck you Mbappe). This does not happen with Matthäus. He just gets the ball and immediately you can think of attacking play again!
Physicality. Another stat that is a lie, his strength. Maybe it's due to his super high aggression, but he does not feel 78 strong. He feels more like low-90 strength. He bumps into your player, and your player will go down. No questions asked. Stamina is insane too, he just keeps running all game long.
Everything, obviously.
His price. But if you were ever to spend 2.5-3M coins on a player, this would be one to spend it one for sure!
Holy shit, he is absolutely insane. For a cdm/cm he has really solid pace (anything over like 83 is good), defending is obviously great. Sure his physicals are a bit eh on the base card. But he's 5'9", super agile ingame and yet his bad stats seem like they have a +10 on them at all times. The cons are all stretches as honestly. There are none that i feel are huge ingame (except for the 3* sm obviously). BTW play an engine ingame instead of the basic/ shadow/ anchor or anything else, as his defending doesn't really even change and it just improves the already great passing and the dribbling which is a bit low.
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