M'Baye Niang's card is rated 78, he is 188cm | 6'2" tall, right-footed Senegal striker (ST)
that plays for
Ligue 1 Conforama
with High/Low work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.5
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 9,862 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.913.
M'Baye Niang has 2 special cards
with ratings between 78 and 78.
The best chemistry style for him is BASIC.
He was born on 19-12-1994 and he is now 30 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 1 goals and 0 assists in 5 matches in domestic competition. He also received 1 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 850 on PlayStation,
700 on Xbox,
and 950 on PC.
Niang has been a recent starter squad legend over the past couple of FIFA's. He's fast, he can kinda shoot, and he links in with a ton of Ligue 1 players. This year, EA decided to bring the overall level of pace among forwards and defenders down a tier, and Niang was no exception. With FIFA 21 currently in early access, many of you might be wondering how a slower Niang handles in the new meta. Worry not, friends, for M'baye Niang is an absolute unholy terror against measly peasants. The trade-off of his acceleration and sprint speed has been made in exchange for some crazy strength. Don't let the balance and aggression stats fool you; Niang is an absolute bully inside the box.
Part of what makes M'baye so effective is that the current meta seems to suit pace and/or strength on central forwards. With goalkeepers having been nerfed, the average finishing rating really doesn't hold Niang back because he's sporting 87 shot power. This guy is very sweaty, and in a two-ST formation, I think you'll quite enjoy what he has to offer. He's not particularly speedy, but with centre-backs also receiving a downgrade in pace, he'll outrun most defenders. That's right; forwards who have higher pace ratings than the defenders they're facing will actually outrun them this time.
I already have a pretty nice Prem main team, so I've slotted in Niang into a squad battles XI. This year, squad battles on higher difficulties are sweaty. The AI has received a notable overhaul and will dance around you easily on Legendary if you aren't careful. Even still, Niang has been a standout performer for me. In 6 matches, he's potted 18 goals and 7 assists on Legendary squad battles. He'll do this against pretty much any keeper and defender pairing around, so I wouldn't stress too much about his rating. If you decide to use Niang in Rivals, I would recommend getting pacey wings out wide to help create space. Raphina from the same team will be an easy hyperlink, and he's Brazilian, so linking an RB is simple.
He's strong af boiiii
His shooting in the early game stages is pretty good
Has some fun Ligue 1 links and will be cheap
He's a bit clunky and won't make too many insane passes
Acceleration is a bit slower, but not too much of an issue right now
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