David Silva's Record Breaker card is rated 89, he is 173cm | 5'8" tall, left-footed Spain midfielder (CAM)
that plays for
Real Sociedad
LaLiga Santander
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.9
out of 5 .
He has 2-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 5,322,814 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.468.
David Silva has 3 special cards
with ratings between 86 and 89.
The best chemistry style for him is HUNTER.
He was born on 08-01-1986 and he is now 38 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 121,000 on PlayStation,
72,000 on Xbox,
and 108,000 on PC.
As a comfortable Gold 2/1 player what can I say apart from that this David Silva is amazingly cracked.
I have been using him as a striker as he has great dribbling, shooting and good enough pace with hunter. I'm use to Inaki up top so 2 * WF wasn't a worry.
His left foot is a wand and brings back memories of Silva in the 2013/14 season. Dribbling past players with ease, pinpoint passing and a great eye for goal.
The only let down really is the strength which he gets bullied pretty easily off the ball because of his strength which can be a little frustrating.
For the price (I paid 153k) I would say he's a massive steal and great for anyone who can link him in their team.
I am currently 8-2 this weekend league with Silva in my team, he has an amazing return for me with 17 goals and 5 assists in 10 games of FUT champs which is really impressive.
I hope this review helps you decide to get Silva or not!
Pace (For a CAM and enough for a ST with hunter)
Great card design
In budget (If you're a regular player)
Can be a little hard to link to 10 chem if you don't have La Liga players in your squad.
Buyd this guy for the Weekend League. He started his journey at 5-5 standings (or something like that), ended with 17-8 (so with D. Silva i run 12-3 in 15 games). Hes playing CM with Hunter as the offensive part next to Llorente.
If you expect him to be the Game Changer youre maybe right. He got the instinct to go ahead in the offensive room in the game. His Ball Control and Dribbling is huge, his shooting with his left foot is epic and his passes are just amazing. The only bad thing is his Strenght. But this is something you can handle with his Dribbling-Skills. The 2*Weak Foot seems to be annoying, and sometimes it is a little bit. But with the Control on the ball you can handle this and put the ball to his left foot 90% of the time easily.
For under 200k (maybe later 150k) he is an no Brainer
When this RB card came out, I knew I had to try it. David Silva is pretty much an icon in modern football, and I had been toying with getting his NIF in my team for a while, just because of how great he is IRL. Having played him predominantly in a RW/RM/RAM position, I can say he is by far the best player I have used in this right sided position in FIFA21, and he is on par with Messi.
His dribbling is silky smooth, and he really does slip through defenders. His close contact allows him to drive through defenders and set up fantastic chances ro even score great goals. His shooting is unreal with Hunter, and he scores all types of goals, tap-ins, finesse, bangers, even weak footed goals dont feel too bad either. Physically he is a little weak, but his good balance and close control don't really make this too much of an issue. His pace is deceptively fast, in particular his turn of pace and acceleration. Game after game he leaves Mendy for dust, and if Mendy is able to close in, a quick skill move, stop and go, or one-two and he is free again. His passing is probably his best asset, through balls seem to find their runner most games, while his ability to pass under pressure is unmatched.
How he goes for under 150k coins is beyond me. Worth it? If you run a La-Liga or Spanish team, he is a must-buy!
Div 2/Gold 2 player. Mostly Casual.
Silky Smooth player, seems to just glide on the ball
Finishing is great with his strong foot, OK with his weak
I have never tried a CAM like him, he is simply smooth. I played him a lot of match in div 2 this week and carried me, he really NEVER wrongs a pass. His passing is unreal, also without chemistry boost. Is dribbling is the same, he doesn't needs this boosts beacause he is still perfect. He only need pace and shooting, so put hunter on him and he's the complete beast. It's sad that he has 2 wf but they don't are a serious problem, but the shooting with his right foot is not so good. By the way, is a must have on the midfield if you want a ball rounder, simply amazing.
At first, I was afraid that his 2* WF would be a problem but his stats were way too cracked for me not to try him in my LaLiga squad. So I bought him for a very reasonable price (around 130k, which I think is a bargain) and found out he's absolutely insane. Even though his positioning isn't the best sometimes (I play him as CAM in a 4-5-1), his passing is awesome, he feels smooth on the ball and is real lively. Even though his 2* WF might be a problem when shooting, he always seem to find someone when passing, is way faster than expected and dribbles very well. I would definitely recommend him if you have the coins and if he fits in your squad (which might be a problem if you're building a PL).
4* SM
Passing (the absolute goat)
2* WF
Strength (whiwh isn't a dealbreaker for me but might be for some people)
In game he is playing as a Cam in a 4-2-3-1 formation
I picked up Fifa 21 way too late this year due to just getting sad everytime after playing it last year. I packed this Card from the party bag and at first i was pretty disapointed.
I tried him out with my shitty team with 79 ovr Alexander Isak on top. These two absolutely teared through pretty much every team i met and I decided to buy Isak's FS.
Last time I had a better attack was with Flashback Ibra in Fifa 19.
(Playing in Div 4 so it's still pretty casual)
Agility (feels very responsive)
Shooting (both finesse outside box and laces in front of goal)
Through balls
Everything passing
The 2 star wf has never stopped him from scoring so personally I don't see it as a problem
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