Before we begin Sorry for my bad English,
I doing the SBC of depay momoents in 100k and i got player that equal 400k.
he filled good in the game, and finished all Any situation, His long-range kicks awsome and his finesse good, in first game with depay moments He scored a five goals.
if you know how use him he better from ben yedder IF/
5 skill
long shot
his price
3 WF
balance and agilty but with engine its ok
his chermisty (but if denayer RuleBraker' its ok)
First of all, I have to say that I waited a fair amount in order to review a card this year. When I saw this Depay I knew I have to do him in order to fit him near the RB Denayer (which is so good for me).
Depay is the kind of striker that can change a game at 180 degrees with his ability on and off the ball. But, if you want to do him I would advise to play him centraly in order to get the most out of him (pref ST).
So lets start. Height - 5`9. Arguably the best height for an attacking player in Fifa. 3 stars weak foot which will, most of the times, condition you to play him off his stronger foot. But here comes the gamechanger stat - 5 star skills which is , this year, the main stat I am looking for when I want to fit an attacking player in my team. It is so easy to be unpredictible with an elastico or reverse elastico (which was my favourite skill move with Depay). High low workrates are very good for a ST.
Pace- He is fast. Not Mbappe like Fast, but he is faster in game than his pace suggets. Id say that in terms of pace he feels like a Neymar.
Shooting- His weaker foot finishes are 50/50. Obviously he will bang some when having the good angles. But most of the times his left foot is not as reliable as if he had 4* WF. His stronger foot is something else. I swear he bangs everything inside and most of the time outside of the box on his right, even on an engine chem style.
Passing- More than decent, more than you expect from your strikers. He can easily play those over the top through balls if your wingers are getting in behind.
Dribbling- His main stat, together with the 5* Skills. Even if he has a stocky-ish body type let me tell you: His dribbling feels insane. THats why i said that he is a gamechanger: his dribbling is from another planet.
Deffending- Not reliable but intercepts from time to time. With this curent meta I think that he would be OK even as the attacking CM in a 4-1-2-1-2 narrow due to his body type and physical.
Physical - Very, very good, he bodies deffenders and fights for the badge. You get a fighter when you complete this SBC, ladies and gentlemans.
In terms of who reminds me of, after 20 games on him I`d say he feels almost like a Marcus Rashford card. Good on the ball, 5* skills but very good physicals as well. His shooting is very good, his pace is very very good and the fact that he fights for every inch of the pitch is something you love to see at your strikers.
Do I think this card is worth completing? Yes, if you upgrade your squad by fitting him into it. Personally, from today I will not open packs until TOTY thats why i wanted to have a reliable striker in my team who can get the work done until mid January.
160k is a fair price considering he feels like a Marcus Rashford, whos gold card costs like 220k.
-5* skills;
-Stickyness on the ball;
-Fight for the badge trait hahah.
-3* weak foot;
-Price if you emptied your club;
-Maybe links.
Hello guys, first of all sorry if i do some english mistakes
I've been using a lot of strikers this year on my main account (CR7, IF Rashford, IF Ben Yedder..) and i got banned so I created another account and i needed a quick, strong, deadly finishing striker and Depay is just that. Im not gonna lie, he is not a Rashford a Mbappe or a CR7 but for 150k atm in the game you wont find another striker like memphis.
I use him in a 4231 as a ST or in a 4222 as ST as well, the first 5 games i wasnt very happy with him cause i was bored to go the the market and buy a hunter for him so i played him with Maestro, he was ok but he was very clunky and he wasn't scoring. Then i applied Hunter on him and the magic just happened. He has a right foot guys honestly i have never seen a player with shots as powerful as his, do you see the animation when the keeper isnt even diving for the ball but just turning is head like a chicken watching the ball going like a bullet in the top corner ? He triggered this animation every 2 games, his finishing is amazing and long finesses shots are just same level as a messi or salah but with 10000X more power. His dribbling are great, not like a ASM or Neymar but even when the defender manage to put a feet at the right moment in the skill Depay's power make it trought and he will keep the ball on his feet. Not gonna lie he is not THAT fast, i mean he can go fast to catch a deep ball but the first 10 meters are like a martial or a haland, powerful but not amazingly fast. He get catched a lot sometimes by Varane or Gomez but once again, play whith his dribbling and atlhetic capacities and he will break ankles. Passing is surprisingly pretty decent, but even if he can finish with powerful left foot shot, his left foot passes are honestly pretty trash sometimes. I would recommend to play him as a striker only if you play quick R1 passes cause he is a bit slow to start and to pass. Depay is not the kind of player that an average new player could use and who will play alone like mbappe, you have to know the meta, and learn how to use it, it took me 10 games where i was quiet disapointed but if you combine him with a deadly agile CAM like IF Gomez for me, he is so good and makes me enjoy the game more than with CR7 i swear. Once again, his finishing with hunter its just another world, first post power shots, finesses shot, longshots, volley its the man you need if you dont rush on the sideline and cross like everyone. If you like to build your attacking, to wait for the perfect timing to make the pass, break the defender in half and get a 1V1 with the goalkeeper, Depay is THE man you need.
Im playing DIV 2 and 1 and in 85% of my complete games he scores more than 1 goal
- Stamina is really decent, extra times can be done
- Vision
- Quick dribbling
- Finishing
- Finishing
- Physical (seems like a suarez)
- Freekick (dead leaf one omg)
- Finishing
- Speed
- Positionning
- Composure
- Price
- Headers
- Acceleration
- Pretty hard to link (Start with him ST in 4-5-1 and Aouar CAM that i substitute and its boring)
- Left foot under pressure
- Will be under meta in 2/3 months
- Feels a bit clunky sometimes
- Can kill a keeper
great player to use, don't expect him to make any crazy crosses or dribble through a wall of players, but if need you can easily dribble past a cb. his shooting is nuts he can score anywhere in the box. his acceleration can be a bit sluggish at times especially off a turn. he's defo worth his price, if you're looking for a good number 9 with the ability to send a pass here and there he is your man
his shooting
off the ball runs
can feel a bit slow at times
dribbling is okay
Moments Depay is insane and an absolute steal! Do not miss out on this sbc if you have the players to spare.
- Quick on the ball (Used as ST with hunter)
- - stocky build so he bodies defenders easily
- - 5 Star skills
- - Insane 3 star weakfoot you can score easily on his weakfoot.
- I haven't used him as a CAM yet but his stamina may be an issue for the cam position.
This SBC caught me off guard; I´m a big fan of Depay and was already using his gold in my squad, so I immediately new I had to do this SBC. Been using for over a week and I gotta say, he kinda reignited my will to play FIFA, as I wasn´t really feeling it anymore. Anyway.
I played him as a CAM with engine in the 433 (4) formation with Mane as striker. I played 20 Rivals games with him in Division 2.
His pace is nothing special. He´s fast, but not Mane fast. Don´t get me wrong, he is really fast and he doesn´t feel slower than what´s displayed on the card. He can outpace defenders, but as I said, he´s not Mane.
His shooting is something different. I used him with an engine, therefore his shooting wasn´t even boosted. You can really feel the shot power and longshot upgrade. He honestly feels like FIFA 19 Felipe Anderson OTW with his finesse shots. If you can get a finesse shot out, he´ll bury it, doesn´t matter if inside or outside the box.
His finishing isn´t the best, but as I said, I´m using him with an engine on CAM, so I really didn´t need it anyway, but I´m sure his finishing will be great with a hunter or hawk, if you´d want to play him as striker.
His passing was nice. His short passing is great, so you can have good combinations in front of the box; had many nice combinations with Mane.
His long passing was also good, especially if you have a fast and physically present striker like Mane, the long passing really stands out, as you can easily send Mane on his way.
He´s obviously no Neymar, but I´m very content with his dribbling. With engine he feels very good on the ball even with his stocky body type. He can´t be pushed off the ball easily. The composure upgrade is also very noticeable in comparison to his gold card, he can pass the ball or get a good shot off, even when under massive pressure.
Doesn´t really matter as a striker and also very little as a CAM, so I won´t go much into detail. But he really won some balls while going back, but thats mainly because of the pace and physical, that´s kinda all you need to have, to defend this year.
That´s beside the shooting his best pro. He feels very strong on the ball, as he can hold of defenders pretty easily. The likes of Joe Gomez, Varane or Kante had a really hard time defending him, as their physical isn´t the best. His stocky body type also helps.
+Definetely the long shots. I don´t know how he does ist, as he doesn´t even have the finesse shot trait, but he does it anyway. Feels like FIFA 19
+ His physicality. He can easily hold off defenders, and it helps going back. Even with this much physical, he feels really agile
+5 Star skills, if you know how to use them
-3 Star weak foot, but you only really notice it, when shooting with his left. Passing isn´t really affected, but it´s not as bad as for example Salah´s
-Stamina. When using as CAM, you´ll need to sub him off in like the 70th minute
-5 Star skills, if you don´t know how to use them