He is amazing. I'm a massive Leicester fan so it was a no brainer to do this card. I used him paired with Rulebreakers Laporte and he was a beast. His reactions are definitely noticeable and If you need a quick and beast PL centreback, then he is your man.
Could have a little more pace, but is very swift and feels nice on the ball.
When I first saw this card all I could see it being used in was Silver Lounge. A nice fun card, not weekend league ready or even Div 4 ready. Well, I was definitely wrong Wes Morgan is a BEAST.
First off, passing, he has 85 vision, 95 short pass, and 81 long! Compared to cards like Varane, with 78 short and 77 long passing, he looks like Pirlo! Throw amazing composure on top of that and you have a great CB for teams that like to build up from the back. A lot of people look at pace as an issue for this card, but with a shadow he is a beast. I pair him with Joe Gomez and he does just fine (for reference I use a 4-3-3 (5) in game). Overall a fun card to use as a fan of Wes and Jamaica. I would definetly recomned trying him in rivals and if not use him in Silver Lounge to have a good time! Have a great day, stay safe, keep your mental health first, and most of all enjoy yourself!
- Passing
- Defending
- Strength
- Not many cheap EPL CBs
- Pace (only if you play a high line)
- Jumping (not an issue for me, but only 6'1"
Without a doubt the best CB card there is.. If you missed out doing the SBC you're a fool. I have an untradable Van Dijk on the bench and I prefer to use this card over him with Gomez next to him.
100% savage
Will make you sit there going "Oooooo" when you destroy your opponents attack
I don't think there is a single con with the card? Maybe the country, hard to make a hybrid with him in but who cares about that when you have the most OP CB card in the PL.
Cara, um dos melhores zagueiros que já usei neste FIFA 21, ele concerteza é um zagueiro experiente com 93 de frieza, seus botes e dívididas são extremamente cirúrgicos, não levou nenhum cartão durante 100 jogos inacreditavél, se voce não fez esse homem vc perdeu um dos melhores DME silver comemorativo, serve para fazer o desafio do lounge prata! Um jogador que não é lento, mas se voce nao defende bem e da botes de primeira, voce deve usar uma cartinha de sombra nele, caso marque cercando e espera para dar o bote, voce pode colocar ancora nele, que para mim, fica simplesmente um monstro o melhor estilo de quimica. Saida de bola nesse FIFA é primordial um zagueiro que passa a bola 95 e lança 81 para mim nao tem melhor, esse homem nao erra 1 passe!
I decided to do this sbc, because there aren't much PL top CB's for this amount of coins (around 10k)
He feels really quick with shadow and strong at the same time, he reminds me a little bit of Icon Campbell in terms of pace + physical
of course he has a few cons that im gonna list too, but overall, it was a must to do for such low price
Pretty Quick (with Shadow)
Strong tackles
Very good blocking shots
Good short pass
Good stamina
Ball control feels a little clumsy
Average long pass
Headers could be better
I play him often also in WL but when i have to play good and sweat he mostly has to go =(
He is very big and fat so its just like Van Djik but in Fun and with a very good Value
When he shots after the corner its like a pistole!
95 Short Passing are juciy
not that fast, doesnt even have a chance agains Mbappe for example