Just get wijnaldum for 20k. hes not bad but not worth 400k
pace for cdm
I asked my best friend if I should do him and he said no. I was kind of drawn to this card, maybe because i like to use fun teams time to time. He fits my England Team perfectly, as there aint many good Englisch CM / CDM / CAM atm. I would not use him as a CAM tough.
I was looking for a second CDM in my 4231 who could defend a bit but also has the offensive stats to move forward and make a play.I would not use him as a CAM tough.
- Good Pace, Balance and Dribbling over all
- Passing is good
- Flair and 4 Star / 4 Star
- Stamina goes down way to fast near the 60th minute ( I do not press in any way )
This card is insane, people refuse to do him because he is "overpriced", but i assure you if this was a special card on the market hed be minimum 800k, luckily I managed to complete him for free after the horrible 85x5 and 83x25 packs... Anyway, this guy is absolutely unreal in game (played him at central CAM), he made all the runs, his weakfoot scored everything, the power in his shot beats any goalkeeper, his pace is great, his passing is slick, "everything he touches turns to gold". From the CAMs I've used, he is BY FAR the best..
- Pace
- Shooting
- Movement
- 4* Weakfoot (plays like 5*)
- Best CAM in the game
- Links
- Negative conception towards the card