Diego Lainez's FUTURE STARS card is rated 85, he is 168cm | 5'6" tall, left-footed Mexico midfielder (LM)
that plays for
Real Betis
LaLiga Santander
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.4
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 3,831,319 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.354.
Diego Lainez has 1 special cards
with ratings between 72 and 85.
The best chemistry style for him is HUNTER.
He was born on 09-06-2000 and he is now 24 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
This man with MARKSMAN chem style on supersub chem(5) is amazing. He has exactly the same acceleration and sprint speed stats as TOTY Messi and has crazy lucky dribbling animations. When doing skill moves and generally just dribbling he feels more responsive and accelerates better than base (93) Messi. Truly a hidden gem, also an orange link to Ferland Mendy so if your comfortable playing him on 7/8 chem in a 4-5-1 he will be a nice option. his body type helps him literally move like a bullet. The body type, balance, and strength combo allow him to hold off defenders like Varane while still being able to accelerate off at breakneck speeds away from situations.
Price-decent pick up for the price. probably can't find a better attacker (apart from Wf) for less than 100k
Acceleration-always a bonus
finishing-decent enough for a CAM or potentially ST role
Dribbling-combined with the Acceleration really good at escaping tricky situations
Weak foot-3* is not ideal but will do the job right in front of the goal
Traits-lack of any useful traits such as finesse shot
The new future stars batch came out and i was lucky enough to pack this absolute beast! Trust me he is worth your money!
He feels brilliant on the ball and he's great allround . I used as a CAM (which i suggest you play him) and boy he's a jem.
Not a must buy but a card you should try nevertheless.
Pace__Pace- I'm not a pace abuser but he feels soooo fast ingame. This is probably because of his height and agility!
Shooting-Despite a 3* weak foot he can still shoot. His left foot is more dangerous than a RPG
Dribbling- Surely better dribbeling than base Messi? he is sooo good on the ball and you basically cannot tackle him! 100 percent buy him if you are a drbbler!!
Possibly his height if you do not like small players
If you want a 4* weak footer or a 5* skiller we won't be number one but it isn't nesesarry imo
His Dribbling and Agility in Combination with Speed is so good. He is a very creative card not like an Rashford or Lucas Moura. And never had problems with his 3 Star Week Foot.
Omg I just packed him in a 75+ Pack and he is a beast. For 40k you can't do anything wrong. He is very agile and super fast. His accleration is class and you get a mexican messi for 40k
Agile, Fast, Accleration
4* Skills
Maybe Links but Mexico has also nice links for example dos santos
Tenía a Morales 84 en el equipo y probé a Diego porque quería mejorar mi banda izquierda. Lo he probado durante 10 partidos con 10 de química con un equipo barato, la plantilla os la dejo arriba. Utilicé Maestro como estilo de química. A continuación os explico lo que más y lo que menos me ha gustado.
Agilidad 99: Súper ágil, a los laterales le cuesta defender sus arrancadas.
Aceleración 99: El ritmo es buenísimo, tiene exactamente los mismos atributos que Messi TOTY.
Regates (4 filigranas): Con 91 de regates (+10 con Maestro) se libra de los defensores con facilidad. Además lo combina con 99 de aceleración y 99 de agilidad.
Tiro CRUZADO: Aunque en FIFA21 todos los jugadores van bien de tiro cruzado, Diego raramente fallará este tipo de tiros. Golpea fuerte y a la esquina.
Barato: Muy barato, sobre todo si lo comparas con Hazard o Morales 84.
3 pie malo: La pierna mala de Lainez es espantosa.
Físico: No es fuerte, pero lo compensa con su 96 de equilibrio. Su resistencia no es buena, pero llega bien al min.80. El salto no es importante en él, mide 1,68m. Por ultimo la agresividad, esta no es increíble pero tampoco es mala, cumple.
Defensa: Este atributo depende de tu estilo de juego, pero tampoco es demasiado importante.
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