Rúben Diogo da Silva Neves's League Player card is rated 89, he is 180cm | 5'11" tall, right-footed Portugal midfielder (CM)
that plays for
Premier League
with Med/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.7
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 60,143 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.139.
Rúben Diogo da Silva Neves has 1 special cards
with ratings between 82 and 89.
The best chemistry style for him is SHADOW.
He was born on 13-03-1997 and he is now 27 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 2 assists in 6 matches in domestic competition. He also received 1 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Rúben Diogo da Silva Neves Objectives
Premier League Wins
Win 15 matches using only Premier League players in the Starting 11 in the Live FUT Friendly: Managerial Masterpiece
Scoring Prowess
Score 30 goals using Premier League players in the Live FUT Friendly: Managerial Masterpiece
Assist Kings
Assist 20 goals using Premier League players in the Live FUT Friendly: Managerial Masterpiece
Premier Range
Assist from a Cross using Premier League players in 4 separate matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Managerial Masterpiece
Feeling Finesse
Score a Finesse goal using Premier League players in 6 separate matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Managerial Masterpiece
When I saw they released this card I login into Fifa and started banging out Managerial masterpiece because these league player cards are sick especially the Gonzales Guedes card. After I did him I slapped a shadow on him and went into a div rival's game (div 2) and honestly he is great with a shadow he was very quick, I distinctly remember him catching up to a base Cantona. His shooting was decent but I really focus on that because I was playing him at CDM. His passing is the best thing about this card, I had him playing with a mid Xavi (the router) that I packed from the mid and prime player pick. And I can honestly say that he has the same passing in game as Xavi. Dribbling is alright especially with his 4 star skills. His defending was great, he stayed always stayed in position, his AI blocking was great (But who's AI blocking isn't) and his tackles were brilliant which is vital as he is playing at CDM. His Physical is as good as it says on his card. So overall I would say Do this card if it links to your team because it is a absolute banging free card.
His stats for CDM are insane, ignore the heading accuracy and place a Shadow on this card, he's pretty much maxed out. Long shots at 91? believe me, get 20, 25 or even 30 yards out and ping a finesse on his right foot and they will go in 60% of the time. people seem to believe the lower finishing on this card will matter but believe me, with 91 composure on the ball, he's not going to miss much. I honestly feel more confident bridge dribbling with this card than Neymar.
very versatile, if you don't want to use him at CDM, you could use him anywhere in midfield. Slap an engine on him, bam, cam.
Sometimes, his defensive animations seem weird/glitched, you will get the ball as you except but he will be a little jarred.
I can tell you since the day I packed him on an sbc account behind mane, his normal card has been on my bench till now. He is a freaking legend. I have been waiting for an even more usable card since januari because as supersub he won wl and rival games on his own with beautiful passes and goals. Now his special card has arrived i did him instantly. There are no objectives to much to do for this living goat. His first weekend league match, I was down 1-0 after 12 minutes so I subbed him in instantly 20th minute an amazing assist. Then 2 minutes before half time a screamer from a distance I didn't even know it was possible to score from, well that's Ruben Neves! If your opponent is so annoying that he uses 5 defenders so you can't get trough... No problem just try some long shots and 1/2 is certainly going in (even against inform Nick Pope). If you already have enough attacking midfielders in your club just slab a shadow on him and he could be even better!!
Don't forget this card is just free it is not that you have to sell all your icons to buy this beast, just a little bit off effort and time and there he is the man that is going to change games even when starting from the bench.
Just simply in 2 words: The GOAT!
Long schots
Shot power
The fact you can play him on 'cam' 'cm' or 'cdm'
The name
Misses some pace but you don't notice that in game.
Hello dear futbin users,hope you all are doing alright. This is the first time I'm writing a review. Ok, now about the card. I never liked managerial masterpiece. After hardly getting 4 wins, I didnt expect getting him early. But I got 11 wins in just 14 games. Then used him as cdm in first half and swapped w/kroos in 2nd half. I can say, passing is very very solid. Use him w/hunter or shadow. Stamina is here aswell. Felt a little clunky on ball, If you want to dribble, use engine
This is a free card an my oh my is it worth doing. I link him into my squad with semedo and What if Pepe. Neves plays on the right side in a 4-1-2-1-2 (2) the narrow formation. He plays on the right side and is on stay back while attacking with my other cdm. Neves has perfect workrates to be a box to box mid. He has the all round stats as well as the perferct workrates. Neves has played 10 games for me in rivals (div 1) and he has put up solid numbers. His passing is perfect never played a pass wrong his dribbling is 50/50 seeing as he has 71 agility and 76 balance. However I can look past that as he has scored 4 goals for me all outside the box off of corners. His long shots are unsavable and seeing as he is the premier league this card although it may take a very long time to do and is in a game mode the community has fallen out of love with he is well worth your time. Now he is not just good at shooting his defending is outstanding for a free card to have 99 interceptions on a shadow is crazy. You feel that he is always in the right place at the right time to make a key pass or to tuck the ball away into the net. Neves stat wise is not to dismilar from moments keane however one is free and one is 1.6 mil at the time of writing this. In my opinion if you have time you have to do him no excuse, and if you don't like him he is always 89 rated so you could put him into an sbc.
Shooting, Passing, Defending.
Pace, Dribbling, Needs a shadow then he is a lot better.
Hes alright, fairly easy to get and not a bad card. But he's just a little annoying to use. I dont know how to explain it. I just find him annoying to use sometimes, he's never the best at anything and he's never the player that plays bad he just doesn't do anything special and it bores me a bit. But yeah super good passing, and defending. Little weak but its fine, not too slow but not too fast, not too good at shooting but not too bad, bad agility and balance but alright at everything else.
So Ruben Neves it is. I played him next to kante in 442 on full chem. He was more attacking cm. And what. a. card. The grind didnt take that long, did it in like 3 hours. Swaped him for gold bruno and the difference was there. Pace is good, not great not terrible. Very very good on the ball, with his strenght it is hard to get ball of him. Passing is different level, all you need from cm. Defending was surprsingly really good, when kante failed Ruben was there to help. Long shots are really good but you wont get many chances to shoot with him outside the box with that ai blocking. Corners are awesome. Defo worth the grind and if you want to upgrade your gold Bruno this is really awesome way to do it.
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