Aiden McGeady's Player MOMENTS card is rated 74, he is 177cm | 5'10" tall, right-footed Republic of Ireland midfielder (LM)
that plays for
EFL League One (ENG 3)
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 5.0
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 5-star skill moves,
giving him the ability to perform every skill move in the game.
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 9,609 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.548.
Aiden McGeady has 1 special cards
with ratings between 71 and 74.
The best chemistry style for him is BASIC.
He was born on 04-04-1986 and he is now 38 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Aiden McGeady Objectives
Win 3
Win 3 matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Silver Lounge
Score 8
Score 8 goals in the Live FUT Friendly: Silver Lounge
Assist 6
Assist 6 goals in the Live FUT Friendly: Silver Lounge
I could end the review right here, give him perfect marks, and call it a day. I won't do 1/2 of that.
Like his body type, this card is pretty average. But it's McGeady.
Pace - Fast enough for the Silver Lounge even as a sub. 5/5
Shot - Honestly terrible. 5/5
Passing - Really good. Probably the best silver passer you can get. 5/5
Dribbling - McGeady. 5/5
Defending - Well it's rubbish. What did you expect? - 5/5
Physique - He's pretty hot. 5/5
Physical - As a sub his stamina is fine, but if you're going for the Ivorian and/or League One team, his stamina will be a problem. Other than that it's good enough. 5/5
Overall - This card is pretty fun. The Silver Lounge is the best thing EA have done in recent years, and it looked like they were killing it off until recently. Silver Lounge is an easy 5/5 in my book. But in any case, it's McGeady. Do the objective.
After the success of Timmy Weah with Silver stars during What If, we received another dud with Singh, with 3* skills killing the card for a winger so yet again expectations were low heading towards this weeks silver stars, then EA surprise us with this beauty. The reasoning for the card is 50% performance for the 4 assists and 50% St. Paddy's day, however many will perceive this card as a free flashback to his glory days of FIFA 12 and KSI FIFA, simpler times when skill moves were just hold down the toggle button and flick your right stick in any direction. was the squad I used to complete him (remove Mcgeady and the cm for Sonny Kittel) and completed the card in just over 30 mins and immediately played him in my silver squad with the cm (who's called Max Power btw) to do the silver beasts objective, and instead of sticking it in professional and get it over and done with, I played all games on ultimate to not only yest Mcgeady, but also myself, and he ripped teams apart. He played up top with Weah and it was a mix of Mcgeady playing balls through for Weah and vise versa. These two up top is deadly as their styles of play compliment each other, one game where Weah was injured I subbed on Kittel and he was awful because Mcgeady can do all the creative work and finish things off while Kittel felt clunky and was rarely in the correct position for a Mcgeady pass, where Weah was always was in the right position for a pass. So looking at each base stat:
Pace 10/10: Hunter and he is better than Mbappe on full chem, and despite an average body type felt quite lite on the ball
Shooting 9.7/10: Well rounded, with hunter I was expecting better volleys but thats it
Passing 10/10: Best silver passer in the game as everything goes to the intended target
Dribbling 9.9/10: Only issue is that he was quite slow to react to most things but other than that ripped teams apart
Defending 6.6/10: Actually impressed how ell he closed down space and did a standing tackle, as well as one game where he tackled the defender right after the keeper passed it to him, leading to a goal
Physical 8.5/10: While not as physical as Weah, was never dispossessed due to lack of Physicality
Would highly recommend even as a super sub while you have the chance, Only issue is links and that's it.
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