Daryl Horgan's FOUNDATIONS card is rated 84, he is 170cm | 5'7" tall, right-footed Republic of Ireland midfielder (RM)
that plays for
EFL Championship (ENG 2)
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.3
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 1,056 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.378.
Daryl Horgan has 1 special cards
with ratings between 69 and 84.
The best chemistry style for him is BASIC.
He was born on 10-08-1992 and he is now 32 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Daryl Horgan Objectives
Shamrock Scorers
Score 10 goals using Republic of Ireland players in the FUT Live Friendly: Managerial Masterpiece, with 4 Republic of Ireland players in your starting squad
Horgan only requires you to score 10 goals with Irish players, this is a small feat compared to other objective cards in my opinion. He is a nice alternative to those who dont want to grind for Buendia - 4*4*, 5"7 and good dribbling makes him feel nice on the ball and despite 72 long passing his passing from outwide is very nice, decent physical and ok stamina that should see out 80-85 minutes of a game without becoming noticable. His 70 strength was suprisingly good against the weaker LBs in the game. Pace is decent enough for a winger but a boost is needed and shooting is probably the weakest attrubute he has, missing a few chances "worse" wingers couldve scored. If youre willing to put in the time then go for Buendia, if youre more of a casual player then Horgan will do.
yo If you wanna save time and not do beundia then i recommend you doing him all you have to do is score 10 goals with irish players which doesnt take that long i got him in 2 games but you can get him in 1 if you are playing someone kind enough btw show the kindness back if you dont need to win any more games.He is actually not a bad card i mean there are some problems with him but if you are a beginner or you just want to have fun then do him he has really nice dribbling and you should play him CAM with a maestro chem style to make him a beast but yh i only played 9 games with him and he got 4 goals and 2 assists so pretty decent performances in div 6 against varane and mendy but the only thing that takes the piss is how he gets outpaced by super fast wing backs and center backs aka mendy and varane so he is not meta and that good down the line but at cam he is very good and he is 4 star 4 star which is niceeeeee and he is better than connolly the main guy from the objective he is way more usable but not that linkable and his only good strong link is the beast akinfenwa rulebreaker! overall 7.5/10 fun to use and strong link w akinfenwa and very easy to get and is 4 star 4 star so yh not bad at all and worth the time
Very easy to get should take you about 4 games at the most
dribbling is classs really nice
good super sub tbh
ok shooting goes in 8/10
4 star 4 star
strong link w akinfenwaaaaaa the beast!
good at cam
good fodder :/ but thats kinda peak
Pace gets outpaced a lot unfortunatley by the meta rats :/
links are kinda bad if we talking hyperlinks
theres aldready beundia and it would have been better if he was a cam
passing is a bit sketchy somtimes but doesnt really affect him to much
shooting can be bad but thats just me trying to find cons main con is pace if you using him at right wing cos of meta rats
Stamina is an issue so thats why u need a super sub or use him as a super sub
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