5 star skills links to muller thats mean i have to complete him and yes lads i did and this guy dribbling is insane honestly the best dribbling i have tried out in this game it is actually mad rainbow flicks step overs cancels fake shot they were so smooth with this guy i started screaming without the s so fun to use man. he is a mad passer asw the passing was top notch fam and i linked him with muller and these 2 were like son and kane fam always assisting each other doing a madness on the pitch for 190 k this guy is a bargain and his links are sick like yh u got the german links but then also the eredivise ones which this year are mad. he is soo good istg and that shooting bloody hell is violating my opponents basically quick skill volley it and boom a goal fam what a madness of a card plus he was soo clinical he took the phrase "composure lads, composure" seriously and damn he is always composed sad how this guy never reached his potential pretty damn sad imagine what a duo him and muller could have been for bayern but eh what can i do, back to this card his passing was top notch asw beautiful accurate and yh cant say anything more apart from its great he could defend thankfully and he did defend well when he did i dont expect him to do bits in defending but he was decent and i liked it he won the ball by outpacing the attacker when they bridge and somtimes got a lucky tackle in but when its straight up proper defending he wasnt so good he was alr and pace is fine i dont see no problem with this pace fam its great and all so yh.
overall-10/10 absoulutley love this card passing was top notch and 5 star skills, lets go thats class plus the muller link so yh calm
5 star skills
defending was ok
passing was top notch
nothing really unless its the 4 star weakfoot so yh
Currently up 7 0 in the wl so i´m confident with creating a review for him. As a striker in the Squad which is linked, I´m pretty happy with his performance.7 Games 12 Goals 5 Assists all in Wl kinda speak for themself. Very fast and his shooting is the best I had before. I also have Messi in my team and already played Ronaldo so I kinda have experience.
Beast Shooting
Very nice dribbling and 5 star kills very satisfying
Fucking Fast
Heard from other people that the stamina is bad but I had no problems
Very easy to link with Max tots
Week Foot
Maybe not the strongest
Everytime I see Gotze i just think of the 99 ball control meme that time a few years back, and of course the WC winning goal.
So his card actually has 99 ball control this time, and his dribbling is amazing, noticeably high 90's and feels it in game. I've done a few SBC's and used some TOTS players recently where their stats are fake and perform shocking to what the card should be. Gotze lives up to his stats, pace, dribbling, passing, shooting and even his physical are all top tier! Which is so good, since I had to take some players out of my team to fit him in. I've got him as a ST in a 4-3-1-2 with TOTY Lewandowski here (https://www.futbin.com/21/squad/8818441) and i feel that is his best position. I tried him as a CAM and as a RW/LW but ST is where he scores and assists most for me.
One thing you will notice with him is how good he is at getting in front of defenders, his short body, strength and extremely fast acceleration allows him to get onto through balls with ease. 5 star skills and 4 star WF are really good too. I have seen other reviews being sceptical about his shooting and WF but for me they were great, think he is a 'your mileage may vary' kind of card. Being in the Eridivesie was harder to link, but i had some germans and an icon german for links, probably not the easiest to get in. Random but his defending (interceptions and awareness) are very good for a ST and he has got some great tackles in for me
Overall he's a well rounded ST that has all the stats in the right places, it's just about fitting him into your team if you can with all the rocking cards out at the moment
Finesse shot
Attacking positioning/runs
Dribbling in general
5* Skills/4* WF
Heading is bad
Stamina is good but around 80-85 sometimes loses out
I'm a PSV fan so I was totally amazed when Götze came out. When I saw his stats I was stunned. End game PSV card... this is al I ever wanted. I played a game right away and wow... 2 goals 1 assist. Thanks EA!
- Dribbling and composure
- Finishing and Long Shots (with hawk)
- Interceptions and Slidings
- Pace is unreal
- Strength
- PSV player
nothing man...
First of all I have to say, yes he is the German legend of 2014.
I have him as ST next to Malen TOTS in the 4-4-2. He is fast, agile and a finesse shot of horror. Probably one of the best finesse shots in Fifa I've ever seen. BUT his normal shot is not even half as good as his finesse shot. It feels more like 50 shot power instead of 92 (on Hawk 99). I think as a CAM he is a lot better. But all in all I can only give him a recommendation because you have to keep in mind the 5 star skills and his overall stats.
- great finesse shots
- 5 star skills
- Dribbling
- Not so expensive
- shot power
- after 50 min he has no more stamina