Éric Cantona's Base Icon card is rated 88, he is 188cm | 6'2" tall, right-footed France striker (CF)
that plays for
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.6
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 5-star skill moves,
giving him the ability to perform every skill move in the game.
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 1,702,017 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 1.048.
Éric Cantona has 3 special cards
with ratings between 88 and 94.
The best chemistry style for him is BASIC.
He was born on 24-05-1966.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Sir Alex once said: "if there was ever a player specifically made for Manchester United it would have been Eric Cantona"
At the begining of FIFA 21 I set one goal and that was to get my hands on King Cantona and I have been REALLY lucky with packs. As soon as I had rougly enough for him I said fuck it and sold my team and almost everything in my club to get my hands on him and my god it was so worth it.
Cantona can do everything, the man is quick and strong 6´2 FIVE star skiller who can pass, dribble and finish every type of scenario infront of the goal, he is unreal.
Formation & Position
I have been using him in alot of positions and I find him to be best in the CAM spot with two quick and agile strikers above him or as a Target man in 442/4222. I play him now as a Target man with a quick striker with him upront on get in behind and wingers on cut inside for some extra creativity.
Chem styles
I use Hunter on him to maximize his Pace and Shooting, I have tried other chemstyles with him but the Hunter works best on him
Value for Coins
Yeah he is almost 2 million coins and for me that is bargain price, I think he will be more like a 3 million coin player soon when people start recognize his card in the game. 100% worth it if you got the coins
Shooting - Shooting is his best pro imo, he scores every type of goal you can think of
Dribbling - he is a 5star skiller and has every dribbling trait in the game, do I need to say more?
Strength - He is a certified beast, 91 aggression and 89 strength
Stamina - many icons have shit stamina, he has never been subbed off from my team
Heading - 89 Heading acc and 91 Jumping while being 6´2 he bangs in headers easily
Traits - He got almost every single trait in the game and thats nice for a player to have, makes such a diffrence.
Passing - His passing is really good, he aint no Xavi but he has no passing problems at all
Tbh he has no flaws, but remember that a no review is worth it if there are no Cons so I will dig deep to find some cons here
Dribbling - you can say dribbling sometimes, but only if you use him like you would use Saint Maximin or Rashford his speed boost is good but not as good as faster players like these two for example.
Stamina - if use him too much throughout the game he will get tired, even if he has alot of stamina
Sold CR7 today, he was insane, but needed something new just because its more fun to play many different cards over the year. Knew it would be hard to get a card that is significantly better than CR7 as ST next to my untradable Neymar for this amount of coins. But this card is really worth every single coin. He's just good at anything. I'm a Division1 player and all 15 matches we're Division1. This guy scored 32 goals in 15 matches and assisted another 14. I got 10380 Points out of 15 games, thanks to Cantona. I play a Hunter on him, because he really needs the pace and the finishing in a ST position. Just like CR7 it feels like he had 5 star weak foot. He even scores long shots with his left. I would go as far to say his heading is better than CR7s. His passes, especially the long ones are out out this world, perfect if you have another striker who is as fast as neymar. 2100k is a lot of money, but if you have them and struggling who to get for the money, get this man!
Shooting, espeacially long shot
WF , feels like 5 Star
Skill Moves
Incredible Passing
Monster at passing
Could be a little more agile, but come on, he has 89 strength
I got him from the base Icon SBC. I was so excited to use him but was a bit disappointed after the first 3 games playing him as a CAM in 4-2-3-1. I changed to my other favorite formation the mighty 4-4-2 (2) and played Cantona as a ST partnering Son. He was a man possessed ever since! His shooting is out of this world, almost every shot from every angle imaginable is a goal, he assists a lot of goals for Son as well.
The key here, other than his incredible shooting, is his tremendous strength. Give Cantona the target man instruction and let his partner (in my case Son) have the get in behind instruction and enjoy a world of lovely 1-2s and clinical finishing. His passing is absolutely crisp for a striker while his dribbling, although not agile like the small dudes, is very effective. Attacking Headers from corners are like taking penalties with this man, 65% chance for a goal or more.
Shooting (You name it... The man scores from every angle you could imagine)
5* Skills
Strength and Aggression
Headers (He has the power header trait, tall and has a great strength and aggression. He ain't losing the air battle)
Overpriced a little? Obviously I got him from the base Icon SBC, but if there's a con for some I'd imagine it would be the price.
Eric Cantona is a very solid player. I packed him in a guaranteed base icon pack and was over the moon after trying him out as a CAM and an ST next to Cristiano and Son POTM in the 41212 narrow formation. He isnt the fastest player out there but he does have that 90 physicality to make up for that. Hes probably the most solid finisher ive tried this year, maybe even better than Ronaldo. This man does not get knocked of the ball easily due to his large frame and crazy strength and aggression stats. He has Ronaldo like agility/movement due to their similar body types and height. What i really liked about Cantona is his passing. He can seriously ping a ball from one side of the pitch to the other with ease and his first time through balls are just perfect. If u are asking whether hes worth 1.8 mil, Id say yes. A french icon with 87+ attacking stats is just amazing.
You cant really ask for more.
-Shooting all round
-Strength, aggression, stamina
-Ronaldo like heading
-5* Skills and 4*WF
-Perfect first touch
-Only thing I could think about is that he doesnt have Neymar type dribbling
Most of the time he play as a Striker and and he was good.
His finishing was really good, and when he was in the box usually defenders could seperate him from the ball.
The biggest con in my opinion is his Dribbling he feels very clumbsy and his movement didnt feelt great. Turing around defenders is not the way to go with this card.
His passing was okay it wasnt bad but wasnt great, rather difficult passes often didnt come through.
With 87 pace and a rather big playermodel he didnt fellt fast but when you play him as Striker its enogh but not a player you can outrun defenders.
I would say if you dont need the Icon links you shold rather buy players like freeze Dembele for the same Price.
Cantona Baby is a solid card and if you want to play him i would suggest him as a Second striker.
I bought him for around 1.65m and just sold him for about 1.75m, for that price i dont think he's really worth it. In my team i had him upfront with Mbappe and i think mbappe for half the price is better in nearly all regards except for heading. Cantona's stats are great, very well rounded ST or CAM depending on how you use him but he really doesn't justify the price tag and his performance wasn't up to scratch. he had about 150 games for me, scored around 220 and assisted about 110, playing champs and squad battles. i've got rashford in my team now as the second ST with mbappe and it's sad to say he performs just as well. i would loved to have kept cantona but with the coins i can get so many more cool icons that hopefully add to the team
well rounded striker that can do most things
didn't have that extra edge for a player that well stats wise
Eric Cantona, i packed him on the base icon SBC, i was really happy and excited, but unfortunable, i dont fell him that good, i dont consider worth it 2 Million coins for a card that dosent feels that good, i have used Mbappe and Neymar, and trust me, his shooting, dribbling and pace doesnt feel good, he feels so cluncky and slow having the ball, problably he is good but not meta, he is a really good player, but to be honest, better buy Mbappe or Cristiano Ronaldo rather buying Cantona.
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