Player Review
91 - Rare
I packed KDB in a double 81+ upgrade and because i have the Swedish Maestro Emil Forsberg moments as a Cam and he is just amazing in this game. So i decided to play KDB as a CDM i put a shadow on him and after that it was just to play. I used stay back while attacking on Kevin and he did the job and took me to gold 1(Lets see if i reach Elite 3) KDB did the job as a CDM very well and he has so good ball control and passing so he not lose the ball and that is very important as a CDM imo. He has good stamina and other key stats that a CDM needs.
Pace: 9/10
With a shadow he has enough pace to play as a CDM but i think he is a bit slow for CAM.
Shooting: 8/10
I shoot most of the shoot outside the pen area and he did strike sometimes but i was not a WOW feeling
He has perfect passing for a CDM that should start counter attacks or just build upp the game
Dribbling: 10/10
For a CDM he has very nice dribbling he feels to clumsy for CAM but perfect for CDM
Defending: 8/10
He has decent defending not a WOW but enough for dis stage of the game
Physical: 8/10
He won the most of the challenges but sometimes he is a bit Weak but i will say that is fine
• Passing
• Dribbling
• Stamina
• 4 star skills is nice for a CDM
• 5 star weak foot
• High/High workrates perfect for a CDM
• A bit weak sometimes
• Price a bit high imo
• Pace without a chem style