Player Review
88 - Icon
I have been saving coins for the past couple of weeks to get an icon CDM. for me scoring was never a problem with Cruyff and Neymar up top but playing 442 was a bit hard defending-wise. When ? got this Mid Vieira ( Elite 3 in champs and 2100sr btw) ? had expectations that it was probably more agile Sissoko with better passing. Oh boy, when i first played him in champs the only thing that came to my mind was this guy should not be moving like this with this body type. He is absolutely everywhere, wins every header, wins every duel, so so so fast ( he is 6'4 btw). Really good passing as well. Changed my team absolutely. I know he is stupidly expensive but he is the end game and second-best CDM in-game after moments Vieira which is not available yet.
- Pace - He is ridiculously fast for someone his body type
- Passing - He has really good passing
- Physical - An absolute tank. bullies everyone
- Price- Despite being the best CDM in-game, not everyone can afford him and want to pay almost 3.5 million coins for a midfielder.