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Player Review

87 - Headliners Upgrade
my opinion

I always get bored of players and I did after using Mbappé. I do like Mbappé however I am not a skiller in game and therefore rely on players with high agility and balance. although Mbappé did have the agility, he did not have the balance. anyways with the money I had I bought Felix as I wanted to get his potm but was broke at the time. when I first tried him I had him with a hunter at st with Bernardo fut freeze at cam. Unfortunately due to bernardo silvas fraud passing was not able to utilise his ability. however after pairing him with bruno Fernandez inform I can happily tell you the card is amazing.

DRIBBLING. seeing as I didn't notice a change in pace with hunter(I know I'm sorry) I switched to engine to max out dribbling. his card became super responsive. his touches are precise and feels like sticky dribbling. his body type is good for his height and it does not absolutely bother me at all. he feels really smooth and makes dribbling easy. his dribbling over-all is amazing

SHOOTING. in my opinion if the main shooting stats are high enough(positioning, finishing, shot power, maybe long shots) there is absolutely no reason to upgrade it. and I love his shooting, even with no finesse shot trait they come of so clean and his shot power is so handy for his finishing. his weak foot feels more like a 4.5 star weak foot. it is reliable and with good shooting stats you'll finish most shots with the right angle.

PASSING. his passing I really like. after trying him at cam for a couple games I like his passing. his long passing is a little low but I didn't have a problem with it much and he can play good at cam.

PACE. his pace is satisfying enough to put him at st.(in my opinion if you have a good passer at cam and a good attacking ai where the st can make the runs 85+ pace can do the job). therefore I like his pace. with engine you do get a small boost with pace still but it was good and I haven't had much problems with it at all. if given the right through ball and ai run you can outrun the variants and gomezs. of course if your not happy with it you hab=ve 5 star skills to help you get past defenders.

PHYSICAL. his physicals are not bad when it comes to his card. he does fight for the ball and does not get pushed if easily. it can sometimes be a problem when it comes to cards like van dijk.

overall really enjoy this card. just make sure to pair him up with a cam like bruno Fernandez that has amazing passing.

smooth responsive dribbling

amazing shooting

good pace

couldbget upgraded with another inform(unlimited)

sometimes strength

price as his potm was cheaper

Formation: 433-4
Position: ST
Games: 55
GPG: 1.45
APG: 0.73
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (1/10)
Physicality (7/10)
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