Player Review
90 - What If
so i have already done a review on his totgs card. he was a game changer. but were here again for another review. so i got him out of the most recent party bag. obviously i was gassed because i had used his old cards already and they had taken my breath away. also had his tots card last year which was frighteningly insane.
sooo, into the stats. he finally has st usable shooting. very all around and very average.
pace- faster than mbappe. probably faster than elon musks rockets. you cant see him till he stops. hes unbelievably fast.
dribbling- no doubt hes the best dribbler in the game. all 90s in them. 97 agility and 98 balance speaks for itself. he can weave through everyone's varane and mendy like they are blocks of ice. and then once your past them they are stood there wondering how they are gonna catch up with this mini beast. and then the balls in the net straight after.
passing-unbelievable for only 89. never misses a pass
88 stamina- pretty good
there is nothing wrong with this card. thats how good he is