Houssem Aouar's card is rated 91, he is 175cm | 5'9" tall, right-footed France midfielder (CM)
that plays for
Olympique Lyonnais
Ligue 1 Conforama
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.7
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 3,179,065 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.313.
Houssem Aouar has 4 special cards
with ratings between 78 and 95.
The best chemistry style for him is HUNTER.
He was born on 30-06-1998 and he is now 26 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 9 goals and 4 assists in 18 matches in domestic competition. He also received 5 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 81,000 on PlayStation,
70,000 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
First of all sorry for my english since is not my first language.
Now let's start with the review!I'm an above average player but I have to say I also have a good team so I m not a so called pro.I bought Aouar future stars mainly cause I needed an all rounded cm to link with toty neymar but I didn't expect it to be so good.I've tried many players and also many icons but I was very impressed with him.
I play 41212(2) in game and he was the left cm i was looking for!You can also play him at cam in my opinion but I think he's perfect as cm especially with a more defensive cm like kante for example as cdm and cm with H/H work rate as rcm.
In this weekend league i finished elite 2 and the main reason behind that(except toty neymar which in my opinion is the best fut19 player based on the current meta)was Aouar.He's not that tall but he often wins duels with strongest players like pogba or fabinho and that's the quality that impressed me the most.He has 80 as defensive value but it looks way higher and everytime he recovers a ball he always makes the best pass possible and that's another thing that impressed me.I've tried many players with high passing value that often misses an easy pass but Aouar is not one of them.He's agile and that's a big pro in my playstyle cause i don't like clunky players that are slow at turning with the ball.His shot is good as well,obviously he won't always deliver but when you have the chance to shoot with him just do it and don't be afraid cause most of them times it will go in especially with finesse shots.
Now the answer that many wants is:is he worth the price that actually is around 800k coins?I would say it depends on your team and the role that you would give him.He's not suited as cdm and he needs for sure a stronger physical cm close to him but his stats don't lie like many players I tried.His workrates are perfect for him cause he gets the chance to shoot often and he's great at passing.I wouldn't play at cam cause in my opinion you lose the chance to appreciate some of his hidden skills like the positioning in the field which is always perfect that way but of course you could play him there as well.For 800k of course you can get also icons and game changing players but if you have already a well built team and extra coins I personally would advice you to buy it if you are thinking about it.A big hint that i can give is that in my opinion he doesn't suit the 4231 meta unless you would play him as central cam but he does way better in a 41212(2) or a 4312.
Amazing passing
Ability to wins the ball back
Agile but he's not mbappe.
Good stamina
Price(cause with 800K you can first of all build a very good team)and he won't make the squad great by himself
I bought him and vini the kid (vinicius junior) to put in my team. I was expecting to be baffled by vini, but this guy took all the focus. my, oh my! He is so versatile! In my many years of fifa i have seen that some players get more goals than others but never assists. This lad brings those assists! He creates space on his own and his passes, both long and short, is just so perfect! i cannot understate how great a playmaker this guy is! Another great bonus is his physical og defensive stats, which means any loose ball in the oponents defense will be interceptet by him. And yes, he will bully some of the weaker defenders. I havent event started to talk about his shooting, which is just perfect, long shots, inside the box, volleys.. everything goes in! His dribbles makes every small room on the pitch his playground and enables him to finish or make a wunderfull pass. All in all a really great lad!
Is he worth the 870k? YES, for me there is no doubt about it and he will stay for a long time!
Defence (interceptions)
4 star sm/wf
mabye if was like 6'5 tall he would be better? or with 5/5 sm/wf but that would just be unrealistic.
If I have to sum everything up, Aouar is the best all-rounder, jack of all trades player for me. Let me put that in perspective by providing you with this mini-fact. When you omit all the TOTY and icons, Aouar ranks 1st in total base stats (518) and 2nd in total in-game stats for an outfield player (2460). Even if you take into account all FUT players including TOTY and Icon, he still ranks 16th on both categories. In addition, in FUT there are only 10 cards who have every single base stats above 80. Out of that 10, only 3 players are non TOTY / Icon, and Aouar is one of them. So basically, stats-wise, he is the best non-TOTY and non-icon player that you can get in the game. Now, I know that stats don't tell everything and they can be misleading, but trust me, If I feel that his stats are not reflected in the way that he plays, I would not have started this review with these words to begin with.
Grading policy:
I grade each respective categories based on the base/game stats, and how well they perform relative to that expectation. So, if a person has a 70 pace stats, and his run feels like 70, I would give him the same grade to that category, which is 7. And I would scale the grade up and down based on how they out-perform / under-perform their own stats.
Chem used: Marksman.
Used Position: CM, sometimes CAM
PACE: 9/10
87 pace and 87 acceleration and that is exactly what you get from Aouar. He feels fast and can outrun most of the players in game. I decided not to boost this stats with chem because I don't require him to run around like crazy. But when a space opens up in from of him (in counter-attack for example) , I never hesitate to run with him and the outcome can be very lethal.
This is the the stats that I like the most about this card.With marksman, he has 98 positioning, 99 finishing, and 98 long shots. And just like that, he will bury most of the chances when presented. Outside or inside the box, it doesn't matter. What amazes me the most is his positioning. It says 98, but I'm sure it should be 120. To be honest, I did not require him to score goals for me but most of the time, he always pops out of nowhere, makes a chance for himself and smash them into the net. His 4 star weak foot is also a plus and I have scored many goals with his weak foot. 68 goals in 118 games is an amazing stats for a CM in my opinion.
The most important stats for any CM, Aouar certainly does not disappoint in this department. With marksman, he has 95 vision, 95 short passing, and 98 overall dribbling. I am not a skiller but this guy make me feels like one. Normal dribbling and basic skills will get you gliding past players. Passes are also pinpoint and can open up any tight spaces. Overall, I don't have any complains about his passing and dribbling, and I am more than satifsfied.
I wish I could give this category a solid 10 because that is how surprised I am with his defending trait. I have UEL Kondogbia, who is a beast himself in these two categories, but tell you what, sometimes I feel that my Aouar is better in defending and in general, making use of his physique. While Kondogbia uses his pure strength to simply push away the opponent and win the ball back, I feel like Aouar uses his head more and has the better ability of reading the play (if there are such things in FIFA). Instead of body checking the player from behind, he would round the player and makes a clean tackle from the side for example. With marksman, 81 strength is not spectacular, and he sometimes lose the ball because of this, but what amazes me is that he rarely let the opponent to win the ball cleanly. If the opponent wins a tackle, he would hold that opponent in place to let a team-mate get the ball, or best, win back the ball himself. I'm pretty sure that this trait should be related to aggression which feels much much higher than it looks.
One of my most favorite players in the game, if not the most. I have been wanting to overhaul my team for sometimes right now, but have been putting it on hold due to my attachment to Aouar and the way that my team is built around him. His nationality is pretty easy to linked, but there are not too many good french players in the premier league except pogba/kante and only a few good ligue 1 players which limits his linking possibilities. If you have the coin, definitely a player that you should consider to add to any team!
We are talking about one of the most incredible value for money players and an incredible game changer!! Ever since I purchased him on the transfer market he has changed my gameplay at an unpercented rate! Fun fact he upgraded my wl rank by 2! He is an amazing clinical finisher he is fast enough to play at CAM but not the fastest in the world. Incredible Passing and Dribling. His defensive stats are a little bit overrated but it might be just that I play him at CAM.
Clinical Finsher
Acrobatics player
good Stamina
Average ball control (he opens his control too much)
The word playmaker is not often used in FIFA 19 but this french guy, will shape your playing style, and put the playmaking element back in your game. Its like you start to play another FIFA game. Essentially a metronome, he thrives on the middle of the pitch as a CM-CAM in a narrow 4-1-2-1-2 (i sometimes use him as second striker). His main job: to create space. To use him well you may find yourself wanting the ball more to go towards him, thats actually my simple definition of playmaker.
His highlights include: passing, graceful yet strong dribbling, very effective la croquetas, calm composure, and finesse shots. the latter trait tho is not as effective after the new game patch, but nevertheless, a finishing chem is what i put on him as the rest is sufficient. His calm composure is more than his stats say, every dribble, shot and pass goes the right way. He is a French with Algerian descent like his baldy, french predecessor, and in truth i dare say he really plays like a baby Zidane. Links with mbappe is also a bonus, get him while hes cheap. Im a GOLD 2 player.
Aouar is one of ONLY nine players in the game with a rating of 80 or more in all six attributes, 4*WF, 4*SM, and a height of 175 cm or more. The other eight are
Ballack 91
FUT Birthday Milinkovic-Savic
TOTY Marcelo
TOTY Modric
FUT Birthday Marcelo
Gullit 94
Gullit 93
Gullit 90
Ballack 91
This means that he should be able to play in almost all areas of the pitch, and fill any position if needed, and in reality he DOES brilliantly.
I play Aouar mainly as a central CAM in a 4-2-3-1 narrow formation, but I also played him as a right CAM, as a striker, and as a CM and CDM in 4-3-3 formation, and in a 5-2-1-2 formation. He excelled everywhere. He is an amazing dribbler. A brilliant passer of the ball, and with a clear sight of goal, can put the ball in the net from just outside the area. He is not very small and while he is not Gullit in physique, he doesn't get bullied or pushed off the ball easily.
With Aouar Chemistry styles really have an impact, as they can transform him into one of the best players in the game in each position depending on the chemistry style you use.
Example of Chemistry style and selected positions rating:
Basic: CAM 96 | CM 95
Sniper: CAM 95 | R/LW 94
Finisher: CAM 94 | CF 94
Deadeye: CAM 95 | CF 93
Marksman: CAM 96 | CF 95
Hawk: CAM 94 | CF 93
Artist: CAM 96 | CM 95
Architect: CAM & CM 94 | R/LCM & R/LW 93
Powerhouse: CM 95 | CDM 92
Maestro: CAM 97 | CM & CF 95
Engine: CAM 96 | CF, R/LCM, R/LW 94
Sentinel: CAM & CM 92 | CDM 91
Guardian: CAM 94 | R/LWB 91
Gladiator: CAM 94 | CM 93
Backbone: CAM & CM 94 | CDM 91
Anchor: CAM 93 | CDM 90
Hunter: CF & CAM 94 | R/LCM 92
Catalyst: CAM & R/LCM 94 | CM 92
Shadow: CAM 93 | R/LWB 91
In 218 in games, Aouar scored 98 goals and assisted 63 times. He is a joy to use.
Dribbling: Very smooth. The guy is unbelievably agile, and with Artist or Meastro chemstyle he is almost as a good as Messi.
Passing: Precise & quick. Architect chemstyle maximizes his passing potential
Shooting: Aouar makes runs into the box, and can excel at quick feints which gives him a sudden view of goal. Aouar scores brilliantly from those situations.
Interceptions: Aouar doesn't have the problem that other creative players have. When he doesn't have the ball, he can help defense and intercept balls in midfield. His tackling is also respectable.
Links perfectly with a wide range of excellent players in the game. He also has a unique perfect link, which I use, to FFS Mendy, who is a beast at LB.
He is not a dead ball specialist
If you don't dribble as a player, his efficiency will drop as this is one of his strongest attributes.
I play him CM in a 433 with 2 CM and CDM. I have him on stay forward as to make the most of his attacking prowess. He has many assists for me and scores 1 goal every 2 or so games having 20 goals in 43 games. That said, I don't actually notice him too much during games and as a CM he can get lost in the midfield quite easily compared with my pogba. His finesse shots are great and i would recommend them over normal shots every day, since his non finesses are shit tbh.
The stats seem good but he is not value for money in my opinion, costing 800+k on PS4.
He has a few bright sparks in game but he is never that player who has the sickest match.
Great Dribbler, Finesses and Passing. Physicality is actually decent and his defending feels good, does well when getting back after attacking.
Doesn't feel quick and is caught up to 24/7 by defenders.
Non-finesse shots arent great, don't meet the stats.
I was looking for a CDM that can offer something going forward but also be solid in defense. I used to have 86 Kongdogbia, he was a monster but lacked that killer-instinct going forward. I also thought about buying 90 rated Kante which is annoying to play again because he cover so much ground, the man has 6 lungs but again going forward he wasn't what i needed.
I was skeptical of buying Aouar but hes a green link to my 88 IF Mbappe and 86 Lala. Since Aouar has everything you need going forward i need to boost his defensive stats with a Sentinel. He bullies people on the field and also always joins in on the attack. His long shots are reliable and his passing along with his dribbling are amazing. Hes like a Kante but with shooting, passing, strength and can win aerial balls. In 13 games (Weekend League) he's scored 5 and assisted 7. FIFA 19 is all about Reaction and Composure, this man is calm and cool as a cucumber (Ray Hudson).
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